Even the best supporters of oral chemotherapy acknowledged that the compliance would be at least fractionally if not significantly lower in the real life setting in that it is just hard to have the kind of relationship you have with patients on a clinical trial. Appropriate patient selection is central to the successful and safe administration of any chemotherapy. These new agents bring different mechanisms of action, different side effects, and new home care nursing implications. Proliferation of abnormally-dividing cells starts the pathologic process. These and other factors are outlined in Table 1. All rights reserved. Now, with increasing numbers of patients self-administering oral chemotherapy at home, the support of the oncology nurse will be central to the effective management of these patients. In clinical trials, drug accountability forms are often used for documentation of the total number of dispensed pills (Figure 2). Patients will be helped if they can understand the importance of early reporting. Oral regimens pose new challenges in patient selection and education. Antineoplastic Drugs Nursing Considerations & Management. A dose reduction does not necessarily lessen the chance of antitumor effects. Imatinib: GI upset, muscle cramps, heart failure, fluid retention, skin rash. Cameron[1] has identified several specific factors involved in promoting compliance with a therapeutic regimen. Goals (cure , You may notice special clothing and protective equipment being worn by the nurses and other members of your cancer care team. Echinacea: increased risk of hepatotoxicity with antineoplastics. Self-administered oral chemotherapy greatly shifts responsibility for dose monitoring and adjustments from the provider to the patient. Antineoplastic agents are contraindicated to pregnant and nursing women. Other potential exposure occurs during the disposal of the drugs, disposal of the items used in drug preparation and administration, and when caring for patients who have received these drugs. In this area, oral regimens pose new challenges to patients and providers. You do not get that education until you are sitting in the chair with an IV in your arm. Treatment is usually multidisciplinary, prolonged, and often debilitating. These are the agents of choice for slow-growing cancers. Option D is for hormones and hormone modulators. It is usual for this age group to fear the diagnosis too. 3. These drugs have potentially adverse effects which limit their usefulness in patients with pre-existing disease and those who are debilitated. Daniel Haller, MD: You could give the same argument for using the Mayo clinic regimen, where you will see charts that come to you for review where patients start off on a 50% dosing of a standard regimen, to make it easy. • •Assess for presence/history of specific type of cancer, bone marrow suppression, tumor cell infiltraton of bone marrow, recent chemotherapy or radiation. However, such patients require careful monitoring and oncology nurses will continue to play a significant role in the safe and effective management of these patients. R-CHOP is used to treat: Patients often think of chemotherapy in terms of needles and intravenous lines, and there appears to be a wishful, but unfortunately false, perception that oral chemotherapy is going to be essentially nontoxic. Then you can start reading Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer - no Kindle device required. This medication guide provides information about the Prolia brand of denosumab. Nurses caring for patients receiving capecitabine need to be aware of the drug's unique safety profile. This can be remedied by simply explaining to patients that. Probably patients who come with the Palm Pilots are pretty good at getting it right and understanding the directions. © 2021 MJH Life Sciences™ and Cancer Network. Menopause-associated effects: hot flashes, vaginal spotting, vaginal dryness, moodiness, and depression. 2. It can develop at any age. Which drug has been approved for use in treating CML? Proliferation of abnormally-dividing cells starts the pathologic process. Maternal and Child Health Nursing (NCLEX Exams), Medical and Surgical Nursing (NCLEX Exams), Pharmacology and Drug Calculation (NCLEX Exams), Medical & Surgical Nursing (Mnemonics and Tips), Pharmacology Nursing (Mnemonics and Tips), Psychiatric Nursing Nursing (Mnemonics and Tips), Sulfonylureas Nursing Considerations & Management, lisinopril Nursing Considerations & Management, Antifungals Drugs Nursing Considerations & Management. Good luck! Also, older patients are more likely to be taking multiple oral medications, and the addition of oral chemotherapy to this patient’s regimen may not be feasible, either due to the increased complexity or potential drug interactions. Assess for the mentioned cautions and contraindications (e.g. Xgeva is another brand of denosumab used to prevent bone fractures and other skeletal conditions in people with tumors that have spread to the bone. Ensure that patient is well hydrated to decrease risk of renal toxicity. This causes a mutant DNA molecule, leading to cell death. Therefore, establishing a good support system is important. They do this by inserting themselves between base pairs in the DNA chain. Paulo Hoff, MD: What you need are a television, a VCR, and a tape with instructions. JAdv Nurs 24:244-250, 1996. Gail M. Wilkes. This can include the mechanism of action, early and late side effects that may be experienced, and reasons to call his or her doctor or nurse. Recognition of factors that affect patient compliance will be particularly important with oral chemotherapy. The patient needs to feel comfortable with his or her physician or nurse in asking questions and reporting side effects. Plan for rest periods because fatigue and weakness are common effects of the drug. to prevent any untoward complications. 1. These agents are only specific to cancer cells and spare the healthy cells its devastating effects. This was the first classification of an anti-cancer drug to be developed. Arrange for proper head covering at extremes of temperature if alopecia occurs; a wig, scarf, or hat is important for maintaining body temperature. Home-based therapy can offer many patient advantages. 'Cytotoxic' means that the drug destroys rapidly growing cancer cells. Continuing to take self-modulated dosing is another concern that is a little different than not appearing after taking 5 days of therapy. This is to the point in which the human immune system can deal with it. Sunil Sharma, MD: You could argue that compliance can only decrease off trial. Uncontrolled growth of neoplastic cells will lead to invasion of healthy tissues in the area and, Cancers can be divided into two groups: 1) solid tumors; and 2) hematological malignancies. I think we have to put the same burden on intravenous treatments-that people do not always give optimal therapy. Hypercalcemia is encountered as the calcium is pulled out of the bones without estrogen activity to promote calcium deposition. Patients are often reluctant to notify the nurse of side effects because they fear that their therapy may be interrupted or their dose will be lowered. All of the following statements are not true about antineoplastic agents, except: These drugs assume the role of the innate defenses of humans in destroying rapidly-dividing cells. Drugs boost the immune system in its efforts to combat the abnormal cells and do not necessarily assume its roles. Routine antiemetics, such as prochlorperazine (Compazine), metoclopramide (Reglan), ondansetron (Zofran), or granisetron (Kytril), can be used as needed. To allow for easy reference, a tabular format is used to present systematically organized adverse reactions related to cancer chemotherapy. In addition, a chemotherapy fact card for the specific drug can be developed. In our institution, we will be doing an in-service on oral chemotherapy. This diary is given to the patient at the initial teaching session and can be reviewed at subsequent visits. Evaluate patient understanding on drug therapy by asking patient to name the drug, its indication, and adverse effects to watch for. In addition, the nutritional needs and hydration status of children should be included in the considerations for formulating a care plan. Even under therapy, children must be allowed to explore and learn like any other children. Solid tumors can further be differentiated into. A key at the bottom of each page acts as a prompt for the patient to record side effects. Follow-up visits after each cycle, even in the absence of reported toxicities, are useful to maintain close supervision of the patient and to permit early detection of clinical toxicities or deterioration. Also, a monthly calendar can be used as a visual guideline in mapping out the overall treatment schedule. D. Nausea, vomiting, and anorexia are common in clients receiving chemotherapy. Women of childbearing age should use barrier contraceptives when these drugs are being taken. • Assess for presence/history of: • Specific neoplasia present • Decreased hepatic functioning • Decreased bone marrow or infiltration Arrange for blood tests before, periodically during, and for at least 3 weeks after therapy to monitor bone marrow function to aid in determining the need for a change in dose or discontinuation of the drug. The important thing is to stress to the patient that it is important to call his/her physician or nurse at any sign of a symptom or side effect. The oncology nurse may have to act as a liaison, not only with the patient, but with homecare providers, community pharmacists, and/or homecare nurses. allergies, drug history and possible drug interactions. Cytotoxic drugs are useful in the treatment of many forms of cancer. Other factors in patient selection must include a patient’s physical limitations, especially in elderly patients. Genetic abnormalities are passed along daughter cells, eventually producing a tumor or neoplasm that has characteristics quite different from those of the original tissue. If this activity does not load, try refreshing your browser. Each of the drugs in this combination is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat cancer or conditions related to cancer. 1. Option C can increase photosensitivity. Your user session will expire in 2 minutes. It is imperative that oncology nurses become familiar with new oral cytotoxic agents, such as the fluorinated pyrimidine analogues capecitabine (Xeloda) and UFT (Orzel [uracil, tegafur]). oral anticoagulants). Some cancers are sensitive to estrogen stimulation. Administration of Chemotherapy drugs, Monitoring of Patient on Chemotherapy, Chemotherapy Waste disposal, and Nurses Responsibility in handling chemotherapy. Antineoplastic agents comprise one aspect of chemotherapy. • Check urine for blood and specific gravity. Also, it is common for patients to occasionally miss a dose of oral chemotherapy. All other options can shorten QT interval. Perform a thorough physical assessment (other medications taken, orientation and reflexes, vital signs, bowel sounds, etc.) In the presence of renal failure this will not be accurate due to large amounts of hematuria. Through all of these activities, the oncology nurse concurrently continues to empower patients to become active participants in their own care. The leaflet provides chemotherapy nurses with concise, accessible information, in a clear and simple format. • Obtain kidney, and liver function tests. The traditional agent fluorouracil has been joined by new drugs, including capecitabine, irinotecan, oxaliplatin, and targeted agents such as bevacizumab and cetuximab. • Assess for symptoms of compromised immune system. Lastly, bone marrow activity should be monitored carefully and dose should be adjusted carefully. Antimetabolites are a type of chemotherapy medication to treat cancer. Treatment of prostatic cancers that are sensitive to hormone manipulation. © 2021 MJH Life Sciences and Cancer Network. Hormones and hormone modulators block or interfere with these receptor sites to prevent growth of the cancer and cause cell death. In some regimens, enough data support sequencing of agents, but in others, data are lacking. CNS: headache, drowsiness, aphasia, fatigue, malaise, dizziness, GI: nausea, vomiting, anorexia, diarrhea, mucous membrane deterioration, hepatic toxicity. Implications for nursing practice: Antiemetics are administered regularly in the hospital and home to decrease chemotherapy-related nausea, vomiting, and retching. Additional self-administration pitfalls can pose a problem in oral chemotherapy. The physician and nurse determine the presence or absence of side effects at office visits, and make judgments about dose adjustments. Monitor result of laboratory tests such as CBC with differential to identify possible bone marrow suppression and toxic drug effects and establish appropriate dosing for the drug; and liver and renal function tests to determine need for possible dose adjustment and identify toxic drug effects. Others may block androgen-receptor sites directly. GI: nausea, vomiting, anorexia, diarrhea, and mucous membrane deterioration, hepatic toxicity, GU: renal toxicity, potentially toxic increase in uric acid levels. The primary responsibilities of the oncology nurse are to facilitate patient education, communication, and follow-up. Checking the dosage for children is crucial because of possible drug toxicity. It enables the patient to jot down the time the dose was taken, number of pills taken, and any experienced side effects. Which patient complaint would be the least of concern of a nurse taking care of an elderly on antineoplastic agents? CINV can lead to complications of treatment and also cause significant emotional and physical distress, disruptions to activities of daily living and influence the quality of life of the patient. Option C is an antineoplastic antibiotic. Options A, B, and D, may be a sign of hepatic and renal toxicity. CHEMOTHERAPY: Risks and Nursing Implications Chemotherapy is used primarily to treat systemic disease May be combined with surgery or radiation therapy to reduce tumor size operatively destroy any remaining tumor cells postoperatively treat some forms of leukemia. Deborah Semple, RN, MSN, OCN: I think that if oral chemotherapy regimens are here to stay, the chemotherapy nurses are going to have to be brought on board. Inhibit thymidylate synthase, DNA polymerase, or folic acid reductase, all of which are needed for DNA synthesis. This added information would permit the pharmacist to verify doses, thereby reducing prescription errors. Education, support, and referrals to appropriate specialists are important. Null Hypotheses . You should not receive Prolia if you have low levels of calcium in your blood (hypocalcemia). ... 2020-2021 Oncology Nursing Drug Handbook. These limitations might include limited sight and limited manual dexterity in handling pills. The oncology nurse’s responsibilities include patient education, symptom management, and proactive follow-up. With oral chemotherapy, the patient-to some degree-is responsible for making dose adjustments in his or her own therapy; eg, the patient must decide whether to continue taking medication in the face of mild to moderate side effects. The quality of the patient-provider relationship also can profoundly affect compliance. That is, unfortunately, the minority. If loading fails, click here to try again. Strategy tools for the patient and provider will need to be developed to ensure optimal compliance and safety. Increasing numbers of patients are receiving oral chemotherapy at home, and with this move to oral self-, ABSTRACT: Oncology nurses play a pivotal role in educating the cancer patient who is about to commence oral chemotherapy. These forms can indicate the patient’s height, weight, body-surface area, calculated dose per square meter, and actual total daily dose. Compliant patients are responsible about keeping their scheduled appointments and are able to accurately answer questions regarding symptoms and side effects. • Encourage urination every 2 hours and before going to bed for the night. The scheduling of chemotherapy is set based on the type of cells, rate at which they divide, and the time at which a given drug is likely to be effective. For some patients, there is also an anxiety component associated with taking numerous pills. Are caregivers in the home aware that they need to notice and inquire about side effects or clinical changes? Examination of drug containers during return visits can help ensure that patients have completed their therapy. Therefore, the main action of antihypertensive agents is to alter the body’s regulating mechanisms (e.g. Compliance is reflected in many aspects of patient behavior over and above compliance with the dose and schedule. Mitotic inhibitors alter the M phase of the cell cycle. To a large degree, an appropriate patient can be defined as a patient who is likely to exhibit adequate compliance. We have gloves, gowns, spill kits and closed system devices. H01 :There will be no significant difference between the pretest and posttest knowledge and practice scores of nursing students on chemotherapy for cancer patients. Option A can increase the effects of various estrogen hormones. Enter your mobile number or email address below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. Option C is the work of mitotic inhibitors. Proliferation of abnormally-dividing cells starts the pathologic process. Treatment of various leukemias and some GI and basal cell cancers. However, they are also toxic to human cells. Dr. Marshall: You are in a position to see patients because they are going on clinical trials. In these instances, it must be stressed not to double up on the next dose. Patients are inclined to think of it as the "cancer pill" and assume it will be similar to taking a vitamin or some over-the-counter headache remedy. If oral therapy requires interruption secondary to toxicities, increased telephone monitoring will be necessary, as will consultation with the treating physician. Treatment of slow-growing cancers, like lymphomas, leukemias, myelomas, some ovarian, testicular, and breast cancers, and pancreatic cancers. A diary with a symptom management log (Figure 1) is an effective tool to help promote compliance and safe administration. If side effects are left unreported, necessary dose adjustments may not be made, and serious consequences can occur that can impact their life and further therapy. [ONCOLOGY 15(Suppl 2):37-40, 2001]. Any necessary dose reduction is simply a customization of dose to that individual’s needs. The primary focus must be to develop educational strategies to ensure patient understanding of medication administration, potential side effects, and self-care measures. Finally, patients often have a lack of appreciation for the potential seriousness of not reporting toxicities that develop. Monitor patient response to therapy (alleviation of cancer being treated, palliation of signs and symptoms of cancer). Most side effects resolve with a brief interruption of therapy. Combinations usually work better than single drugs because different drugs kill cancer cells in different ways. We really are top-notch,” says … Protection from infection and injury should be the focus of nurses. Drugs that kill cells as the process of mitosis begins. Compliance may be variable over time, with motivation and actual compliance potentially diminishing with the increasing duration of a patient’s illness. Use in Cancer. These roles are of vital importance in the management of ambulatory oral chemotherapy. This article will outline the active role that nurses must play in the management of patients who are self-administering oral chemotherapy. CJON.ONS.ORG VOLUME 21, NUMBER 2 CLINICAL JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY NURSING 179 T Hazardous Drugs and USP<800> Implications for nurses Seth Eisenberg, RN, OCN ®, BMTCN THE DANGERS ASSOCIATED WITH UNINTENTIONAL EXPOSURE to chemotherapy date back more than three decades, when it was discovered that urine from Oncology nurses can effectively reinforce patient education through telephone triage, which includes reviewing the patient’s medication schedule from his or her home, monitoring adherence, evaluating early side effects, and implementing appropriate symptom management. One must evaluate whether or not a patient is able to swallow pills and whether there is adequate gut function and absorption. Treatment of pediatric cancers follow developed antineoplastic protocols and combination therapy is stressed to eliminate as many of the mutant cells as possible. Provide small, frequent meals, frequent mouth care, and dietary consultation as appropriate to maintain nutrition when GI effects are severe. As educators, it will be a challenge to oncology nurses to provide the training and support to ensure the safety of patients taking on the responsibility of taking oral chemotherapy at home. Cameron C: Patient compliance: Recognition of factorsinvolved and suggestions for promoting compliance with therapeutic regimens. Dr. Sharma: The other concern is patients continuing to take suboptimal doses. Skip Navigation. Ninety percent of cases of hypertension have no known cause. These patients still need to keep their scheduled visits, but they may need to contact the physician or nurse sooner when side effects (that may possibly warrant a treatment break) develop at home. Three groups of drugs are cancer cell-specific: protein tyrosine kinase inhibitors, epidermal growth factor inhibitor, and proteasome inhibitor. While their action is intended to target abnormal cells, normal cells are also affected. 2. The goal of utilization of drugs as one component of chemotherapy is: to stop the genetic mutations responsible for cancers. To reduce the nurse’s exposure to chemotherapy drugs (hazardous drugs, or HD) during intravenous (IV) administration, the following precautions should be followed to minimize occupational exposure: • Use disposable powder-free gloves (nitrile, polyurethane, neoprene) that have been tested with HD when handling chemotherapy, regardless of route of administration. It inhibits blood clotting and can cause problems after surgery. Monitor for adverse effects (bone marrow suppression, GI toxicity, neurotoxicity, and alopecia, renal or hepatic dysfunction). Chemotherapy medications put nurses at risk for occupational exposure, a key nursing safety concern. Works with hormones to stop stimulating growth of tumors. Antimetabolites are drugs that have chemical structures similar to those of various natural metabolites that are necessary for growth and division of rapidly growing neoplastic cells and normal cells. And nurses and others who give your chemo and help take care of you afterwards wear protective clothing, such as 2 pairs of special gloves and a gown, and sometimes goggles or a face shield. Hospitals such as those in the Cleveland Clinic healthcare system have procedures to mitigate those risks. One certainly worries about that mentality in any situation. drug allergies, hepatorenal impairment, bone marrow suppression, pregnancy and lactation, etc.) Estrogen-receptor sites on the tumor react with circulating estrogen, and this reaction stimulates the tumor cells to grow and divide. Nursing Process Focus: Patients Receiving Doxorubicin (Adriamycin) Assessment Prior to administration: • Obtain complete health history including allergies, drug history and possible drug interactions. Treatment of various types of cancer, particularly those with rapidly-dividing nature. Antineoplastic antibiotics can increase toxicity of drugs that are toxic to the heart and lungs. Multiagent Regimens Multiagent regimens add another level of complexity, and nurses must not only ensure patient safety but maintain safe handling principles and confirm agent compatibility. With oral chemotherapy, "good patient behavior" takes on a new dimension. Alkylating agents are a type of chemotherapy medication to treat cancer. Therefore, they are commonly administered as part of combination therapy. Learn more about: It is critical that patients and their families leave the oncologist’s office realizing the importance of early recognition of side effects. Increasing numbers of patients are receiving oral chemotherapy at home, and with this move to oral self-administration, there has been a critical shift in responsibility of management from the provider to patient. The primary responsibilities of the oncology nurse are to facilitate patient education, communication, and follow-up. Administer medication according to scheduled protocol and in combination with other drugs as indicated to improve effectiveness. Which is an absolute contraindication in patients receiving nilotinib, a cancer cell-specific agent? Any items you have not completed will be marked incorrect. Chemotherapy precautions must be taken Administration considerations; Chemo certified nurses; Agents include: Busulfan; Cyclophosphamide; Melphalan; Nursing Points General Antiemetic regimens (Reglan [metoclopramide], Zofran [ondansetron]) may counteract these symptoms. A phase III study found that pemetrexed and cisplatin chemotherapy significantly improved survival and had greater antitumor activity than cisplatin alone. The occurrence of nausea and vomiting can seriously compromise the delivery of oral therapy. Normal cells are always spared from the effects of antineoplastic agents. Announcement!! Two important safety features are important here. We found out about it the next week when she was in the hospital with grade 4 toxicity. A student nurse was asked to give an example of an antimetabolite. Chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) is a common and extremely unpleasant side effect for children receiving chemotherapy. The complexity of the regimen will also affect the patient’s ability to comply. You have not finished your quiz. These drugs act on and kill altered human cells. A list of chemotherapy drugs used to treat cancer. To stay logged in, please refresh the page or, if you are working on a form, click on the submit button to save your work. 1. Oncology nurses are often responsible for the administration of chemotherapy drugs to patients, so they must attain in-depth knowledge and understanding of the mechanism of action and expected side effects of each treatment as it is their duty to ensure that patients receive their chemotherapy treatments safely. Severe adverse effects of traditional antineoplastic therapy (severe bone marrow depression, alopecia, severe GI effects) do not occur. The information must be perceived correctly, and to that effect, educational materials must be at an appropriate level of understanding for patient comprehension. They interfere with cellular DNA synthesis by inserting themselves between base pairs in the DNA chain. A sense of increased flexibility and autonomy can be an emotional boost for patients. Dr. Saltz: It really depends a lot on all the other factors-education, socioeconomic status, and so on. Unfortunately, although the side-effect profiles of many oral chemotherapy agents are relatively favorable, serious systemic side effects can still occur, making early recognition with prompt intervention critical. An anxiolytic agent, such as lorazepam (Ativan), may be very effective in these patients, and may also provide some antiemetic effect. Antineoplastic antibiotics exert their therapeutic action through which mechanism? How soon after therapy should blood tests be done to monitor bone marrow function? At which stage of cell cycle is alkylating agent specific? Nurses are the hospitality of the hospital. Oncology nurses who are involved with patients taking oral chemotherapy must understand what factors affect compliance and how identification of these factors can aid in the development of educational strategies that will help assure patient compliance. Cathy Parkes RN, covers Nursing Pharmacology - Chemotherapy Medications. “Cleveland Clinic has policies, procedures, education and equipment to enhance the safety of nurses who administer chemotherapy drugs. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States. Once you are finished, click the button below. pharmacology drug therapy and nursing considerations Nov 09, 2020 Posted By Horatio Alger, Jr. Library TEXT ID 0522ebff Online PDF Ebook Epub Library nursing considerations here are important nursing considerations when administering antimalarials nursing assessment these … Oncology nurses play a pivotal role in educating the cancer patient who is about to commence oral chemotherapy. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Patients do not experience the numerous adverse effects associated with antineoplastic chemotherapy. First and foremost, patients need to know the correct dose and administration schedule. These are patients who call when they suspect something is wrong, and who go to the doctor’s office or the emergency room when they have a fever. Consequently… Similar strategies in nonresearch settings, such as patients on home oral therapy, may also be useful in dose verification. John Marshall, MD: I think that is where most of the patient education is being targeted now-not to encourage people to keep taking their medication on time but to tell them when to put on their brakes. Proactive nursing follow-up is critical with home-based therapy. Genetic abnormalities are passed along daughter cells, eventually producing a tumor or neoplasm that has characteristics quite different from those of the original tissue. Compliance is affected by the patient’s knowledge and understanding of the specific regimen. Reacting chemically with portions of RNA, DNA, or other cellular proteins to produce their cytotoxic effects. 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