Canadian Spiced Rhubarb and Onion Relish. ;). The possibilities are huge! I'm sure I read about the orange / rhubarb combination somewhere else and it is mighty yummy! This recipe makes about a quart of sauce. Combine all the ingredients in a 6 or 8-quart stainless steel pot. This chile is between a 2-4 on the heat scale of 1-10. A sweet and spicy compote. 4 allspice berries, ground into a fine powder. Remove from heat and steep for 30 minutes. The lemon sauce is a must as the rhubarb is really tart & there isn't much sweetness to the cake. Freeze some of it for later if you don’t need it all for your recipe. So beware! Bring rhubarb, 1 cup water, and honey to a boil in a small saucepan over high heat. -- Chris. Add rhubarb and allow to simmer for 15 minutes or until tender. Melt the butter in the pan and add the rhubarb and cook for about 1 minute, then add the vinegar, sugar and star anise and bring to a simmer until the rhubarb is just tender. Adds a fresh and spicy kick to cheese, roasted vegetables and many other dishes, including curry. Remove 6-8 pieces of rhubarb and set aside. Rhubarb ginger sauce! Remember to leave the lid off so that the liquid can evaporate. (1/2 pt.) Over ice cream or poundcake (or both for that matter) would be incredible! 2 handfuls of kale. I made pan fried Rhubarb chicken and a slow cooked pork and bacon dish that were MADE by this sauce! Add the rhubarb cheese mixture to the pasta in the baking pan. Use this sauce over cream cheese or as a glaze on ham or chicken. Step 2 Place in a blender and process on low for 1 minute until smooth. However, I did revise the recipe to 1 tsp. MAKE IT SHINE! Place chicken on grill rack coated with cooking spray, and grill 6 minutes or until well-marked. 1 medium green pepper, chopped. #TinandThyme #RhubarbChutney #HomemadeChutney #HomemadePreserves #ChutneyRecipe #RhubarbRecipe Easy rhubarb sauce recipe. Ingredients. Line a baking sheet with foil. I never thought of adding orange to rhubarb. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Join us in our journey to live better and eat healthier. cilantro and lime wedges for topping. This sauce starts with classic BBQ sauce ingredients like tomato sauce, brown sugar and vinegar. I wanted to try something a little different and this Spicy Rhubarb Sauce was born. Thank you Bon Appetite! Chop up the rhubarb and mince the ginger. Add all of the ingredients into a skillet on low and stir them together with a wooden spoon. Mom’s Rhubarb Sauce … I found a recipe for rhubarb compote at Bon Appetite. In a sauce pan, heat olive oil over medium heat. You can link to this site as much as you want, but please don't use any content or photographs without my permission. Add in onions and ginger, … Chutney originated in India. Step 1 Place rhubarb, water, and sugar in a saucepan. pinch of salt. Can't wait for the rhubarb to get ripe. This is one of the most published rhubarb recipes since the early 1900s. 1 tsp. That's the great thing about homemade food. Frozen rhubarb can be substituted for fresh rhubarb. Sweet tart and spicy rhubarb ginger sauce adds a lovely patina to your meat. Season to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Plus, it’s a great way to use up the rhubarb harvest from your garden! This spicy Rhubarbecue sauce is the perfect topping for BBQ chicken, steak and even pulled pork! Run it through a blender for a pulse or two (don’t over do this or you will get a bubbly, runny sauce). This is a spicy sauce unless you choose to tone down the red pepper flakes. It's all to taste of course. deliver fine selection of quality Easy rhubarb sauce recipes equipped with ratings, reviews and mixing tips. Nutrition Information based on a 1/2 Cup serving. Stir to dissolve sugar. Hi Tammy, I am sure this sauce would be great for canning. Use 2 cups of strawberries and 2 cups of rhubarb. Home » Cooking & Preserving » Recipes » Condiments » Spicy Rhubarb Sauce, Posted on October 25, 2019 By: Author Kathie Lapcevic, Categories Condiments / Food Preservation. Rhubarb has such a unique, tart flavor it requires some sweetness to compliment it and bring out the juicy clean flavor of this springtime delicacy! Add everything into a large skillet and bring to a low boil. #rhubarbsauce #ginger #marinade #chutney #recipes #bbq. Please leave a comment on the blog or share a photo on Instagram, This rhubarb and ginger sauce makes the perfect meat marinade. Learn how your comment data is processed. DO NOT boil. Turn off stove and allow sauce to cool slightly, about 5 minutes. Christine @ Once Upon a Time in a Bed of Wildflowers, This definitely sounds like something to try! Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies, Affiliate Disclosure & General Disclaimers. Set aside. The savory-sweet, relish-like sauce is also a perfect complement to roasted, baked or grilled... Visit original page with recipe Rhubarb chutney spiced with ginger and a little chilli. I totally fell in love with it and am dreaming up lots of ways to use it in my springtime meals. Had to try it last season, loved it, anxious to make another batch this year. I like rhubarb, and I think I would like *this* over ice cream! Add the sweet soy sauce and stock to the sauce and purée. 3/4 cup cider vinegar. Use it as a chunky barbecue sauce. Process in a boiling water bath for 20 minutes … I hope you play around with the spices and make this sauce as you like it. Inspired by Amy’s secret sauce, I now mix my 1-2-3-4-5 Rhubarb Sauce into my favorite purchased barbecue sauce for awesome sweet-tart taste. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. allspice; 1/4 tsp ground ginger; Instructions. 4 to 5 cups fresh rhubarb chopped into 1/2 inch lengths. Stir occasionally, and more towards the end as the chutney is thi… Fantastic […]. Spicy Rhubarb Cake with Lemon Sauce. Add chicken to bowl, tossing to coat chicken. I cut the pepper flakes to half. Pulse chile, garlic, and white parts of scallions in a food processor until finely chopped. 1-10 oz. I don’t take much because rhubarb tends to need tons of sugar to be palatable to me, but still I do take some for jam making every year. It sounds like it would be delish on lamb kebabs. Please enjoy our pictures, posts and recipes. If you like spicy sauce, add chili powder or whatever hot pepper is to your liking. Spiced Rhubarb Compote. Great rhubarb recipe also! Thanks so much for stopping by! If there's something you want to use somewhere else either online or in print, e-mail me and we'll work it out. Reviews and Ratings Global Ratings: (37) Reviews in English (26) S. by Scema. rhubarb ginger sauce is easy to make, versatile and holds up well in the fridge! Pour the sauce into hot jars leaving 1/2" headspace. This spring I made up two types of rhubarb sauce for canning; a batch of savory rhubarb Victoria sauce (left), which is basically a rhubarb barbeque sauce, and some rhubarb-orange compote (right). Learn how to cook great Easy rhubarb sauce . Hi Roxy, I'm so happy you love this sauce. Season to taste. I will try this Thanks for posting! Butter and line a deep 20cm square cake tin. A big pinch of ground cardamom can be added to any cake, pie, or compote, or you can simply add a little to the whipped cream you’ll be … Eliminate the vanilla and add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice or lemon zest. Add strawberries to the sauce. Process in a boiling water bath for 20 minutes (I'm at just about 4,000 feet so adjust for your elevation). jar Kitchen Kettle Rhubarb Jam; 1/2 tsp. AFFILIATE NOTIFICATION:As an Amazon Associate and member of other affiliate programs we earn a small commission from qualifying purchases through our affiliate link. We are a Mother Daughter team sharing Recipes, Garden tips and DIY ideas. Dissolve the bicarbonate of soda in 200ml boiling water, then gradually … We love it as the recipe is written but if you let it sit in your fridge for a week or so the flavor will concentrate. This sauce would work well on wings or for the grill! Combine Rhubarb Sauce ingredients in a small bowl and stir until smooth. Totally want to try this recipe! In a heavy saucepan over medium heat combine sugar and water. Place 1 cup Rhubarb-BQ Sauce in a large bowl. Remove from the pan and leave it to rest for about 5 minutes while cooking the rhubarb. 4 cups chopped fresh or frozen rhubarb, thawed. This rhubarb Ginger sauce IS amazing. This sounds like a really great recipe to try with my overwhelming glut of rhubarb. In a large bowl, cream together 2 tablespoons butter and 1 cup sugar until light and fluffy. I have never cooked or baked with rhubarb before. Great for pan frying chicken or pork and yummy in a crock pot! I have used this sauce several times since I created this recipe. 1 Cup brown sugar. For people who like rhubarb. Make is a meat marinade. Guajillo flavors dished easily so a little goes a long way. Reduce heat to a simmer (a very gentle boil) and cook, uncovered, until thick, about 30 minutes. 4 oz udon or soba noodles. The Guajillo (wha-hee-oh) chile is the most common dried chile in Mexico after the Ancho. We love your interest in our work. 4 to 5 cups fresh rhubarb chopped into 1/2 inch lengths. Needless to say I’m exploring new recipes for this healthy garden veggie. I have tons of rhubarb in my garden and am wondering if you feel it would be ok to can this sauce? All content within the blog posts on this site is the sole intellectual property of Diane Williams LLC and protected under United States copyright laws: Copyright © 2021 Homemade Food Junkie | Wisteria on Trellis Framework by Mediavine. Please leave a comment on the blog or share a photo on Instagram. Thanks so much for letting us know how the sauce turned out for you. Stir and serve. Ingredients. Strain syrup, discarding solids, and return to pot. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until rhubarb has completely softened and the contents of pot are a thick sauce. Serve atop pound cake. This sauce looks amazing! Copyright © 2021 Homespun Seasonal Living | The Wisteria on Trellis Framework by Mediavine. This easy rhubarb chutney recipe makes 2 cups, enough for 4 to 6 people. 1 Tablespoon red pepper flakes. cinnamon; 1/4 tsp. Return chicken to grill; cook, turning and brushing with sauce from the bowl until glossy and caramelized, about 12 minutes. Super speedy to make and very tasty. 2007 - 2020 Kathie N. Lapcevic. Thank you Christine! My neighbor has a giant rhubarb patch from which she lets me forage freely. Hear on high one minute until ti bibles. Perk up your chicken, pork or ribs! Don’t want the chunky texture? Chutney is a spicy fruit and vegetable condiment flavored with vinegar, sugar, and spices. hot horseradish; 1/4 tsp. Hi Cheryl, I've had lots of feedback on this sauce and your the first with this input. We hope you find Homemade Food Junkie helpful and informative. Slice the duck breasts and serve straight away with the rhubarb sauce. Let the rhubarb macerate for 1 hour so that it releases its juices. Rhubarb in Your Garden-Homemade Food Junkie, […] fried Rhubarb chicken; An easy pleasing healthy meal. Add green onions, bell peppers and pasilla peppers and stir-fry for 1 minute more. You can also subscribe without commenting. Pour the sauce into hot jars leaving 1/2" headspace. Full of beneficial health properties and it’s Low-Fat, Low-Sodium, Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free! When rhubarb is in abundance, it's a great time to preserve some of the bounty. 13. But it is a delicious sauce! And since rhubarb is officially a vegetable, you’ll get a … Beat in … (I didn’t peel my ginger). 1/3 cup granulated sugar. 1/2 cup balsamic vinegar. Thanks for the recipe......I absolutely love rhubard and make alot of things with it. black pepper. Spiced Rhubarb Sauce Served here with pork chops, this unique sauce adds bold flavor to just about any cut of pork. Once half and half cream begins to simmer, fold in cheese at low heat. Stir well and bring to a boil over high heat. Add Rhubarb Sauce mixture and stir. Its sweet and spicy flavor profile compliments chicken and pork, it is easy to make and freezes well. This sauce, full of healthy and good for you ginger and rhubarb, goes together quickly and simmers to a thick sauce in about a half hour. I love spicy food, but this just tastes like black pepper. I incorporated some of their recipe ideas into my own rhubarb sauce that our family loves. Blend everything together (using a traditional blender, an immersion blender, or a … Combine all ingredients in microwave side dish. Have a great day! I froze it on small containers. Ingredients. Noodles with Kale and Spicy Rhubarb Sauce. That's all I taste is pepper. Reduce heat to medium-low and simmer until rhubarb is softened and sauce is thickened, about 8-10 minutes. Sift the flour and spices into a bowl. Add this thick rich accent to your favorite slow cook meat dinner or in a gravy boat on the side at table for a delicious flavor enhancement! 2 large onions, chopped. Turn up the heat to medium and cook until the rhubarb is mushed and the liquid is reduced to a thick , saucy consistency, about 20 minutes. This barbeque season, dress up your favourite BBQ recipe, whether it's burgers, steak, chicken, pork, or portobello mushrooms with this spicy rhubarb BBQ sauce. Ready to change up your favorite meaty meals. Yum! Recipe by Olha7397. 1 1/2 pounds rhubarb stalks, trimmed and cut into 1/2-inch pieces. For more information read our Entire Affiliate Disclosure. Barbecue sauce is hardly an expected place to find rhubarb, and that's part of what we love about this addictive, tangy-sweet Rhubarb-BQ Sauce tinged with smoky chipotle heat. Subscribe to Our Newsletter for recipes, DIY and Garden Tips Delivered to your inbox every Monday! Is 2 tsp of black pepper a misprint? Make it into a marinade! In a medium sauce pan place all sauce ingredients except cheeses. Remember the flavor gets stronger as it ages. At this point, you can adjust the spices to taste. Get one of our Easy rhubarb sauce recipe and prepare delicious and … black pepper. By that I mean the sauce added a unique and irreplaceable flavor enhancement to the meal. Great over chicken and pork! All we need to do is add everything to saucepan and cook for 20ish minutes, until the rhubarb is soft. We do too. 1/4 Cup raisins. Can anyone tell me approximately how many pounds of rhubard is 8 cups? It’s been called the ugly sauce. You are here: Rhubarb BBQ Sauce. 1 Tablespoon Fresh ginger finely chopped. If not, use it right away or reduce the spicy heat. Beat together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy in the food processor, then beat in the golden syrup. Preheat oven to 500°. Wish I had done a quarter of the pepper to start. 1/3-1/2 cup water. Fantastic spin on traditional rhubarb sauce! Beautiful if you love the spice. Stir in gelatin mix. How to use rhubarb sauce. Pour into a quart sized air tight container and store in the fridge until needed. Our rhubarb bush is full of long stalks of red, ready to eat rhubarb! Simmer until the sauce thickens, about 20 minutes. Add rhubarb, bring to a boil, and cook until vegetable is soft, about 12 minutes. A sweet tart sauce for a flavor accent to your grill, stovetop or crockpot. Made with our Rhubarb Ginger Sauce. Home » Condiments, sauces and DIY Kitchen helps » Rhubarb Ginger Sauce, Categories Condiments, sauces and DIY Kitchen helps. Kayti and Diane the Co-Founders of Homemade Food Junkie blog. Thanks for stopping by and letting us know how it worked out for you. A Sweet, spicy glaze perfect for chicken and pork! Extra … Instructions. Bring to a boil; reduce heat and simmer until rhubarb is soft, 15 to 20 minutes. It was a good idea post for me. While cinnamon may be a more common spice to pair with rhubarb, citrusy, herbal cardamon lends an warm, citrusy note to a dish. It is definitely spicy. Rhubarb Barbecue Sauce Recipe: How to Make It | Taste of Home Add rhubarb and stir-fry for 30 seconds. It will keep well in the fridge a week or so. Puree the mixture and continue to cook until desired thickness is reached. The flavor of the Guajillo is distinct, slightly fruity with a strong piney, berry under taste. It’s not quite as thick as a fruit butter would be but pretty close and is mighty tasty used in a homemade barbeque sauce, stirred into oatmeal, or in a jam tart. Reduce heat to low and add remaining 2 tablespoons tamari, sweet chili sauce, vinegar and lime juice. I LOVE rhubarb! Its spicy tang and the availability of quantities of rhubarb have made it a favourite of home preservers across the country. Place the rhubarb pieces into a medium bowl and stir in the sugar. 3/4 cup packed brown sugar. Enjoy! 1/4 cup Hello – I hope you’re doing awesome today! Rhubarb Ginger sauce is thick and rich. Have a great day! Add remaining 2 tablespoons tamari, sweet chili sauce, vinegar and juice... Me and we 'll work it out and DIY ideas our rhubarb bush is full of long stalks of,! We are a thick sauce and store in the fridge until needed Global Ratings: ( 37 ) in! 'Ve had lots of feedback on this sauce would be ok to can sauce. 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