Wondering how to prevent hair fall after permanent hair straightening? Ensure the treatment that you use don’t contain elements that are harmful to your hair. Now my hair too much falling, dried,frizzy etc. For this, you need to follow a few things to take off your hair and can be changed irreversibly. Subscribe our RSS to receive latest hair care updates. This causes more hair to go into resting mode and fall 4 months after delivery. Natural homemade drinks to reduce belly fat, Waterborne diseases: symptoms, causes, preventions – Types of waterborne diseases, Home remedies for chikungunya – How to recover from chikungunya fever, How to use rice water for skin and hair – Beauty benefits of rice water, Home remedies for gas problem – How to get rid of gastric problems, Home remedies for neck pain – Causes of neck strain. Let the hair stylist choose the best products to use as they have assessed the state of your hair. I straightened my hairs 6 months back and repenting now. You should also avail the biotin supplements along with the routine hair care. Your email address will not be published. Montgomery Mall, 7101 Democracy Blvd, #2182, Bethesda, MD 20817. how to prevent hair fall after permanent hair straightening? Is it Safe to Dye Your Hair While Pregnant? Apply this mix to your scalp, let it rest for about 30 minutes, and rinse. Extract pure aloe from the aloe vera plant and mix it with the procured egg white. Side Effects of Hair Straightening: Hair Fall: They are lot of people who straighten their hair many times and face no hair fall problem. Hair loss occurs because: Chemical processing strips hair of its natural oils causing individual strands to become dry, brittle and snap off at the root. Make sure the hair straightening process is done at the hair straightening salon by the top-rated hair stylist. You will have a tendency of pulling it off and thus it will give rise to hair breakage. Hair Fall due to Hair Styling Now-a-days, most of us will try to experiment with our hair. People with money in hand have a desire to keep and maintain smooth touch over their hair. Hi very good tips .I have done hair smoothening in may 2014 and again hair straightening in dec 2014 and in between I have done many hair spas and have done renewc treatment after hair straightening. If … But, this is not at all a very good practice as your hair gets stuck to the cotton pillow while you are asleep. If you really need to use a blow dry, then keep it on the lowest heat setting. Severe hair loss after straightening: hi girls, Any home cure, homeopathy medicine etc for treating hair loss. If you colour your hair, then make sure you keep a gap of 2-3 months before recolouring, once it runs … Avoid taking too many proteins as this will cause the hair to become brittle. Excess amounts of sweat can weaken the hair strand and shorten the life span of your hair. Your hair is prone to breakage when its dry, especially after wrong application of Permanent hair straightening chemicals hair, tends to dry up. Applying hair straightening chemical to unhealthy hair will lead to more damage. There are also several branded conditioners in the market which you can use for carrying on with deep conditioning of your hair. TRUTH: Extensive research by experts has revealed that there is, in fact, … Consider applying a couple tablespoons of olive oil directly to hair and letting it sit for 30 minutes before washing … Thus, you must avoid it. You can go for smoothening treatment for twice or thrice in a year. Chemically treated hair loss occurs after dying, bleaching, straightening or perming hair. You should take care of your hair that make you look shiny and are rinsed thoroughly after you shampoo your hair. You can also find a much keratin treatment formula that involves formaldehyde gas. I will go bald in 1 year if I don't control the fall. This is normally expected when you are using the hair strengthening iron at home that is having no ceramic coating at all. I am having severe hair loss. I went for chemical hair straightening 6 months back. After you have gone through the process of Thio straightening, it is really important to care your hair on a regular basis. … This should be at least once a week or more depending on the instructions of your hairstylist. After the hair fall treatment, you might be asked to take rest for a couple of days. Nutritional responses to preventing hair … Your hair is prone to breakage when its dry, especially after wrong application of Permanent hair straightening chemicals hair, tends to dry up. My hair fall is also in significant amount (initially there was no hairfall). The hair stylist will advise you on how often you should shampoo and condition your hair. If you are looking to get back natural curly hair, then it will damage your hair severely. Make use of essential oils, you can go for coconut, almond and rosemary oil as they are very good for your hair. In the case of hair weaving, you might have to visit the centres occasionally to take care of the bonding or to change the … … Suffering hair loss since 5 years. Detangle your hair by using a wide tooth comb always. Make sure that your top-rated hair stylist analyses and assesses your hair. Your email address will not be published. This is why it is important to lock in … The better way to choose the Thio-straightening is to have or take care of your hair regularly. Simple Tips to Make Fine Straight Hair Appear Thicker and Fuller, What you should know about DreamCatchers Extensions. You need to let the hair stylist occasionally treat your hair so that they can assess your hair. Water opens up the hair cuticle and blow drying the hair while its wet, will lead to hair breakage and eventually leading to hair loss. Use a gentle yet that is well moisturized and is rich in shampoo. In order to maintain a healthy head of hair, while also straightening it, you need to ensure that there is a high enough level of keratin in your hair. Initially lost temples and crown is thinning. Vitamins are not only healthy for overall well being but also good for your hair. So, that you can keep your hair moisturized regularly to prevent hair fall. Heating your hair makes it dry and can lead to hair loss. Avoid yanking the hair hard or bringing the dryer too near. You won't be able to prevent the hair from falling out, but you can try to make the most of what you have. Chemical treatments burn the scalp causing hair follicle to shrink … There are biotin capsules readily available in the market, which includes vitamin B complex. In many places Formaldehyde gas levels are used. Consulted a doctor and on medication some vitamins supplements and foltene, kairfall and bontrex lotion to apply. However, a few steps can be taken to help prevent any possible damage. Straightened hair is easy to style and take care of, but failure to take care of the hair results in damage. You may notice that the hair gets dried easily and faster because of the moisture that does not get into your hair shaft deeply. Even if you have made your hair straight with the help of professional, deep conditioning will be always required. Over the years permanent hair straightening has been touted as a reason for hair loss. But, some ladies have recently complained about falling of hair excessively after carrying on with hair strengthening schedule. The best way to treat your straight hair is by using hydroxide method. You can go for smoothening treatment for twice or thrice in a year. Make sure that you eat a balanced diet. Ensure you keep your hair hydrated after the straightening. Following the above mentioned hair care tips while washing your hair you will not only prevent hair loss but also make your hair full of life. Apply the mask to the length of the hair and keep the mask on for good 20 minutes. Vitamin for hair loss. Eat healthy diet. Dandruff causes hair loss. Please leave me a comment and let me know. Some permanent straightening treatments contain high levels of formaldehyde which is harmful to your hair. These products often contain ingredients like protein that coat the hair, adding to its full appearance. This will help you stay away from the harmful effects of hair and its damaging part. I would love to hear your ideas and experiences of reducing hair fall by washing efficiently. While Keratin Treatments are meant to maintain that healthy head of hair, just like most other things on earth… too much keratin can cause damage and or shedding of the hair. You have to prevent and get rid of dry and brittle hair. If you are using hair straighteners and dryers on a regular basis then you should take extra care of your hair. And also excess brushing of hair makes it weak and brittle. You will find that people eating … Only your routine hair care schedule is not just enough. You must keep in mind the instructions to you by the hair stylist. You should deeply condition your hair treatment that would be given to your hair. Thus, this is the method that you don’t have to worry which is caused due to the moisture or heat. - BabyCenter India The below tips will save your hair from damage and you can enjoy straightened hair. What should I do control from these things. - Direct application of the liquid on skin can cause irritation, rashes and a burning sensation. Here's what dermatologists recommend: Try a "volumizing shampoo." Before applying any hair straightening chemical, you need to visit the permanent hair straightening salon and let the hair stylist assess whether your hair is healthy enough for the straightening. Most of us are still unaware of the fact that this particular gas is really harmful for our hair. Rinse your hair with this water and leave it for an hour Required fields are marked *, Copyright © document.write((new Date()).getFullYear()); Hair by Moses, How to Stop Your Hair from Falling After Permanent Hair Straightening. The gas used for styling effect. Lemon Juice Prepare a mixture by adding one tablespoon of lemon juice to one beaten egg. Hair growth was also good. Chemicals treatments abrade the hair cuticle causing split ends and breakage anywhere on the hair shaft. But, involving gas is dangerous. And use low heat straighteners to reduce the hair damage. Hair straightening has become a common style these days among ladies especially for those who have curly or wavy hair. Individuals have become really cautious about their hair a finds out ways to prevent hair fall. The hair stylist will not only advice on the best products but also the best times to wash your hair and retouch. Try using a homemade mask of aloe vera pulp and coconut or oilve oil. Undergoing rigorous hair treatments like straightening, perming and colouring is definitely not kind to your tresses. The heavy ingredients in these products can make the hair look limp by weighing it down. You must use a moisture rich shampoo that too is gentle in nature, so that your hair does not come across any damage or hair fall. Massaging your hair with coconut oil, argan oil, peppermint oil, and castor … Keratin combining with heat and other factors gives a smooth effect. No one wishes to get same type of hairstyle for years. Restrict Your Number Of Salon Treatments. Avoid "conditioning shampoos." There are some home remedies through which deep conditioning can be done which involves egg yolk treatment, yogurt treatment, henna treatment etc. In this post, we debunk the myth that your hair fall is because of hair straightening and give expert advice on how to take care of your hair after straightening. If you are not using the shampoo daily, you have to condition your hair every day. Olive oil is also a central ingredient to the Mediterranean diet, which may help slow genetic hair loss. Very depressing situation. This phase lasts for 6 to 8 months in new moms and is completely normal. “Rinsing your scalp in between shampoos will help clean it. This will not have any effect on your straightening hair. Consult the hair stylist at the Japanese hair straightening salon on the right shampoos and conditioner to use on your hair. I want to have my thick and full head of hair again. Hair Care and Alcohol: Is There a Link Between the Two? At the same time, there are many who lose hundreds of hair strands everyday due to one time hair straightening. … Further avoid using blow dryers, curling rods, especially on wet hair as they actually boil the water in your hair shaft and make them brittle. You should visit the professional dealing with the hair straightening schedule. I did my hair chemical straight before two weeks. Daily use a leave in conditioner to your hair that will take care of your hair properly every day. Keratin is used in many of the hair product in order to make it straight and smooth. The thermal reconstruction method is used to straighten the hair. Coconut oil can penetrate deep into your hair shafts and prevent protein loss. Usually, the recovery period is very minimal, and you can get back to your normal activities within a few days. Organic R/S Root Stimulator Olive Oil Heat Protection Serum. Confirm that the products in use don’t contain ingredients that can harm your hair such as sulfates. Most of the people have got a habit of using the pillow cover made up of cotton. The hair is made up of keratin which is a protein element, and it’s therefore important that you include proteins in your diet. While a DIY will save you some money, going to a professional hair stylist will save your hair. A healthy diet is a good way of avoiding hair fall. Hi Priyankita, your hair fall is caused due to hair damage. What You Need to Know About Heat-Damaged Hair and How to Treat It, Chemical Exposure when hair is already damaged, Let the Professional Hairstylist Take care of your hair. Choose the best hair salon and the top-rated hair stylist takes care of your hair. My hair loss stop by applying these but when i leave it starts again. Hair fall is the biggest side effect of hair straightening. The chemicals present in your hair … You can use 2 green tea bags for 1 cup of water. I think its due to harsh chemical treatment and also post straightening shampoo and conditioner that i am using right now. Green tea contains antioxidants that can stop and prevent hair fall. Also, i want my … Olive oil can be used to deep condition hair, protecting it from dryness and associated breakage. What Hair Extensions Can Do More Than Add Length on Your Natural Hair. If you are not very sure about the biotin supplements, it is always better to consult with the physician. If you don’t condition your hair in certain interval this can give rise to damage of hair and hair break. But, if you are using the silk or satin pillow cover, this will not lead to breakage as your hair does not stick with silk or satin cover and have no chance to break. It is important to condition your hair on a regular basis, even if you are not using shampoo on a regular basis. But, if you go for more salon treatment, that can give rise to damage hair. You should follow the instructions when you use the shampoo and recommended conditioner by your hair stylist. Initially it looked shiny and beautiful, but eventually it turned dull. You might be required to wear a surgical hair cap over your head to prevent infections. Too much Heat While Styling This is better to follow the instructions of the stylist. About a week … Even if you want to get back the wavy or normal hair tone that you had originally, its better you use the shampoo which is mild and is suitable for regular use. The straightening, hair care method that you should follow is to have to take special care of it. It depends on the sensitivity of your scalp. The right diet will provide you with the … Infused with olive and coconut oil, this … It helps prevent hair fall and makes your hair look silky and thick. … It’s no secret, using heat makes your hair weaker, and in that case, too much heat will make your hair prone to breakage during the hair straightening, the hair stylist must apply a heat protector and apply just enough heat. 10 tips to prevent hair loss TheHealthSite.com At the back of our shirt, on our comb, on our pillow and wherever we may rest our head, we see signs of hair fall. Hair loss doesn't happen fast, our strands grow in cycles, which means it can take up to 3 months for hair to fall out after a trigger has caused it. Yes! Too much heat will dry out your hair and that leads to breakage. Resolve them with easy haircare tips. Boil and let this cool. And if you have curly or textured hair, co-wash [with conditioner but not shampoo] in between. But if the hair fall continues to persist, it may be due to anaemia or postpartum thyroiditis – pregnancy can change the levels of ferritin in the body and … My hairs were curly and in good health. A strand test will be able to tell whether the chemical will work for your hair. Make sure the hair straightening process is done at the hair straightening salon by the top-rated hair stylist. But know having lots of hairfall wht do u suggest me firstly I was using scwarzkof shampoo didn't suit me makes my hair dry and know using matrix opticare shampoo and conditioner . If you are at the crossroads on whether to straighten your hair or not, we can assure you that if it’s done at the hair straightening salon Rockville and you can be sure you will get best results. Ensure you keep your hair hydrated after the straightening. Make sure you incorporate the best regimen and follow it diligently and your hair will be long luscious and healthy. This is because of the straightening method leaves you the option of getting back your normal wavy permed hair whenever you want. My hair loss started after i straightened my hair (i regret it till now). This helps reduce hair damage and breakage often caused by physical trauma like styling and use of harsh products (2). We try various hair styles, straightening our hair, use different hair colors and also use a lot of detergents and chemicals. Hair Oil Scalp Massage. Most people apply the Brazilian Keratin straightening or Japanese hair straightening and fail to follow the proper regimen resulting in hair fall. At the end of the day it all boils down to moderation. Once you get up your hair still gets attached to your cotton pillow. You should choose the professional with great expertise in order to prevent hair fall after straightening. After the listed time rinse the mask carefully and apply hair serum is necessary. Follow, simple, natural herbal and natural hair pack to get a good straightening silky hair. This is because of the residue that you might remain stuck and are ready to get newly straightened hair. Thus, it is better not to go for any salon treatment more than 3 times in a year otherwise you can come across hair breakage and other issues. Ways to prevent hair fall after straightening Restrict the salon treatment People with money in hand have a desire to keep and maintain smooth touch over their hair. Keratin in general is very good for hair which strengthens the hair roots and makes saves from damage. Apply this mix to your scalp once a week to deep-condition. Eating Right for Healthy Hair Have a healthy balanced diet. Your hair should not fall after permanent straightening unless it was on the over processed side which is very fragile and keeps breaking.. Or it was applied without following the correct procedure as directed for the product.. some should be left of scalp at least an inch off.. 7.5K views Avoid too much shampooing as this will dry your hair and lead to breakage. Thus, it has become important to carry on with the changes of life style and adopt the trend that is having its strength. The most common reason for hair fall post-pregnancy is the fall in oestrogen levels. Making Lifestyle Changes Maintain a balanced, healthy diet. According to Redway, if you’re doing heavy cardio daily, you should wash your hair two to three times a week. Aloe vera has got healing properties and bind the broken bonds of the hair. As you will learn from the permanent hair straightening salon, a successful hair straightening process is a combination of the right product, the right procedure, and proper maintenance. Hair straightening will not damage your hair, poor maintenance and the wrong application procedure coupled with an inexperienced stylist will damage your hair. Make sure you find the right balance when it comes to your diet.