The next hearing is slated for Monday. The film revolves around a ten-year-old boy, Hari Prasad Dhoonda (nicknamed Hari Puttar), who has recently moved from India to the United Kingdom. It revolves around 10-year-old Hari Prasad Dhoonda (Zain Khan) or Hari Puttar… Asking Indians to respect intellectual property rights is like asking them to keep the noise down at Diwali – they will never do it. The critics have almost entirely panned this movie, viciously so, which is mystifying. A Mumbai-based production company, Mirchi Movies, is intent on releasing its "Hari Puttar" title on 12 September. It is bilingual, but mainly Indian. Home Alone 3 (1997) ★★ Home Alone: Taking Back the House (2002) ★★ Home Alone: The Holiday Heist (20122) ★★★ and. Hari Puttar _ Interview. JK Rowling can stop fretting; Warner Brothers can call off its legal attack dogs. ‘Hari Puttar’ that was touted to be India’s answer to Hollywood’s much acclaimed flick series, ‘Harry Potter’ falls flat on the nose. But what really kept me awake was the sight of Hari's mum, the green-eyed and silky-haired former Bollwood icon, Sarika. Last Updated 13.11.2020 | 9:07 PM IST. The movie, she said, was 'cute', adding: 'Behind all the bluster and pranks, there is the sweet little homily on the great Indian family.'. For more India news and updates log on www.headlinesindia**** Just when Naani looks like she might have got her wits about her after all, she gets captured by the crooks and it is up to grandson Nakul (Zain Khan) to take off where Hari Puttar/Home Alone left off. Hari Puttar is very different from Home Alone and Harry Potter, as this is not about magic or wizardry. I really didn't have much clue as to what this would be about and had briefly heard that it was similar to "Home Alone" which starred McCullyculkin. Read Hari Puttar – A Comedy of Terrors 2008 movie User reviews. When the makers of Bollywood's latest blockbuster hit on the wizard idea of calling it Hari Puttar, they certainly got noticed - not least by lawyers. I don't want to waste time justifying myself. Hari Puttar: A Comedy of Terrors owes more to Home Alone than Harry Potter. Harinder Singh Kohli will be making an Indian version of Harry Potter and Home Alone. NOT A REVIEW - Just wondering what it is, if it is neither Harry Potter nor Home Alone. 12 years ago | 27 views. There isn't a Hindi word for "rip-off", which is why Indians faces go blank at the World Trade Organisation when other countries get hissy at them for breaking international patents on everything from pharmaceuticals through to fashion and software and then selling their own versions for a millionth of the original price. Throughout reports of the film, repeated mention has been made of the plot’s resemblance to the Home Alone series, where a young boy was left alone at home … I appreciate Chetan Bhagats creativity and im a Salman Khan Fan also India is not exactly gripped by Puttar-mania, and the only person who should be mildly miffed is Macaulay Culkin. Puerile as it was, I found watching the greasy, obese and dreadlocked Shukla making faces worthy of a Carry On film whenever Hari thwarts him rather amusing. Each Paper Samosa creation is a mixed-masala of Indian upbringing and Western pop culture wrapped in a crispy light-hearted shell. Photograph: AP. If … The name may have Warner Bros up in arms over copyright infringement, but it's Home Alone that's the real inspiration for this enjoyable children's film The sincerest form of flattery ... Hari Puttar It's nowhere near as bad as some of the absolute stinkers that have recently been lauded over here, such as Rock On!! Hari Puttar: A Comedy of Terrors owes more to Home Alone than Harry Potter. The latest target, as sent in by a bunch of readers, is an Indian film by the name of Hari Puttar: A Comedy of Terrors, about a young Indian boy who gets left home alone. As the audience spilled back on to the street, their views chimed with those of the critics. There's no originality in it whatsoever, but since when has Bollywood been original? 'Such a person must be taken to be astute enough to know the difference between a Harry Potter film and another titled Hari Puttar.'. ‘The Home Alone’ inspired flick fails miserably in grabbing the audience’s (even the children won’t want to sit for this one) interest and keeping them glued to the screen. THE Hollywood studio behind the hit Harry Potter movies is suing the makers of a Bollywood children's film Hari Puttar - A Comedy of Terrors. I mean i'm indian and ashamed of … Report. Around The Web, Foreign Language, Gossip/Controversy, LOL, Warner Brothers, Hari Puttar, Harry-Potter, Home Alone, Joe Pesci. Just like Home Alone, Hari soon has to face burglars who wanted to steal his … The songs are catchy, the performances are solid, and the rapport between Hari and his mum is quite touching. It revolves around 10-year-old Hari Prasad Dhoonda (Zain Khan) or Hari Puttar… It is bilingual, but mainly Indian. Hari Puttar is very different from Home Alone and Harry Potter, as this is not about magic or wizardry. Producers argued Hari was a common Indian name while Puttar is Hindi for son. Unfortunately, directors Rajesh Bajaj and Lucky Kohli make a … Here's Hari Puttar - A Comedy of Terrors, directed by Lucky Kohli.The movie is about a ten year old Indian boy named Hari Prasad Dhoonda, nicknamed Hari Puttar (Puttar means "son" in Punjabi), who was left home when his parents go on vacation. Atrocious and ludicrously pretentious grown-up films such as those were feted as proof of India's maturing cinema, while an innocuous childrens' movie like this is widely denounced as the worst thing to have emerged from India since the bubonic plague. She first made her first film appearance as a baby in the 1960s; now, in her forties, she's the yummiest mummy in Indian cinema, oozing effortless sex appeal without resorting to the pouts and girly inanities of today's starlets. That attitude seeps out of every frame of the new Bollywood kid-flick, Hari Puttar: A Comedy Of Terrors. THE Hollywood studio behind the hit Harry Potter movies is suing the makers of a Bollywood children's film Hari Puttar - A Comedy of Terrors. How shameless these Bollywood people are - One film that is totally original and a homegrown product is Hello The Film Based in One Night @ The Call Center by Chetan Bhagat. 5:37. That attitude seeps out of every frame of the new, Warner Bros took the film's producers to court. Like any developing economy looking to make it big, India has developed a mental lacuna on the issue of copyright. The writer suggested the director be jailed and forced to watch the film three times a day as punishment. Bollywood producers set to release a film called "Hari Puttar: A Comedy of Terrors" are facing legal action from the makers of the "Harry Potter" movies. The latest entertainment news over the two latest releases, B H Tharun Kumar's Rafoo Chakkar and the controversial ‘Hari Puttar - A Comedy Of Terrors’. Despite the title, there isn't a single instance of magical shenanigans in the film; instead, it's a Hindi-speaking imitation of Home Alone, in which a disturbingly precocious youngster is left locked in his house with a pair of dastardly but bumbling burglars on whom he wreaks a series of spiteful and wholly predictable pranks. Hari Puttar is a mockbuster of "Home Alone" with a name that sounds a lot like "Harry Potter" another hit movie series. The movie is scheduled for UK release in the next few weeks. This “Home Alone” and “Harry Potter” mashup has angered many fans as well as Warner Brothers, who has decided to sue to stop the release of the movie. The story line is a young boy who is left alone while his parents vacation and he has to defend himself/his home. The name may have Warner Bros up in arms over copyright infringement, but it's Home Alone that's the real inspiration for this enjoyable children's film, The sincerest form of flattery ... Hari Puttar, ike any developing economy looking to make it big, India has developed a mental lacuna on the issue of copyright. The `Hari Puttar` name has been in the news and has appeared at places for the last 18 months, Munish Purii, COO of Mirchi Movies, told IANS. With Jackie Shroff, Sarika, Saurabh Shukla, Vijay Raaz. Hari Puttar - A Comedy Of Terrors is not remotely inspired by Hari Potter, but it actually borrows from Home Alone. Hari Puttar is an exuberant, hilarious film, directed by Lucky Kohli. At one point the central character is described as ‘total timepass Naani’, which is sadly not how you would describe this film. The critics were not kind: 'Even those who go with zilch expectations are likely to curse the moment they bought a ticket,' wrote Khalid Mohamed in the Hindustan Times, awarding it one star. I hope harry Potter sues the pants out of that copycat movie. Hari Puttar, played by Zain Khan, is a 10-year old boy, who has moved to London with his family. Does anyone believe the Indian producers of Hari Puttar when they say they are not copying Harry Potter...hmm let's see it's a story about an Indian boy in London..okay your right...Hari Potter..ERRR i mean PUTTAR is not copying them. Hari Prasad's father, a professor in a University in India, who has been working on a top secret project, moves to the UK (United Kingdom) with his family and stays in the countryside. Skip to content. Neither would the people from Home Alone. Hari Puttar: A Comedy of Terrors owes more to Home Alone than Harry Potter. A child accidentally left behind alone at home tries to protect his house against two funny criminals - does this ring a bell? And the Indian Express noted that it had 'a script ... so full of holes that several large-sized trucks can drive right through'. "It's clearly great to have won this case," Munish Purii, Mirchi's chief executive said. Even the ten-year-old star, Zain Khan, got a hammering – which is just plain nasty and mean. The entire film seems to be inspired by a Hollywood hit, 'Home Alone' , where a eight-year-old child was left behind, and his family goes on a trip. Starring child actor Zain Khan, the movie tells the story of 10-year-old Hari Prasad Dhoonda, whose family has moved to England and who is accidentally left behind when the rest of the clan goes on holiday. Warner Bros has filed a lawsuit, with the … Bollywood Entertainment at its best. She's also very convincing as a frantic mum who undergoes a parallel adventure as she struggles to get back to Hari, having realised that she left him behind after she departed on her family holiday. ‘The Home Alone’ inspired flick fails miserably in grabbing the audience’s (even the children won’t want to sit for this one) interest and keeping them glued to the screen. The story of Hari Puttar is just similar to Home Alone. With Jackie Shroff, Sarika, Saurabh Shukla, Vijay Raaz. The story sounds similar to Home Alone and the title is similar to Harry Potter. The movie review website was even less impressed. It is a myth that children are very difficult to direct. It was left to Nikhat Kazmi, writing in the Times of India, to argue that any attempt by Bollywood to cater for the unrepresented teen audience deserved to be lauded. "Hari Puttar" is set to hit cinema screens this week after an Indian court rejected a Warner Bros. suit claiming the name was too close to its Harry Potter series. ‘Hari Puttar’ that was touted to be India’s answer to Hollywood’s much acclaimed flick series, ‘Harry Potter’ falls flat on the nose. The Harry Potter books and films, she said, catered for an educated person. Left home alone with his cousin Tuk Tuk (Swini Khara) when his parents go on vacation, Hari must deal with two burglars who hope to Read more Hari Puttar - Top Reviews The beginning song of the film is a testament to what is wrong with children’s films today. Is Hari Puttar Too Close to Home Alone The latest entertainment news over the two latest releases, B H Tharun Kumar's Rafoo Chakkar and the controversial ‘Hari Puttar - A Comedy Of Terrors’. Buy Services Was directing so many children tough? As far as the script resembling Home Alone is concerned, there is no similarity at all. (link 1 2) But if they were hoping that Hari Puttar: A Comedy of Terrors would work the Harry Potter magic on India when it opened in 200 cinemas across the country on Friday, they were in for a disappointment. Check out Bollywood Hungama movie user reviews for Hari Puttar – A Comedy of Terrors 2008 at Bollywood Hungama. Some of India's greatest movies (including Sholay, one of India's all-time best) have been imitations of foreign ones. The film revolves around a ten-year-old boy, Hari Prasad Dhoonda (nicknamed Hari Puttar), who has recently moved from India to the United Kingdom. Hari Puttar - A Comedy Of Terrors is not remotely inspired by Hari Potter, but it actually borrows from Home Alone. His girlfriend, Archa Kapoor, was equally unhappy: 'We came for Harry Potter, but it turned out to be Home Alone,' she complained. But it had the kiddies in my theatre giggling more than enough. You guessed it right, "Harri Puttar", which Hollywood studio Warner B NOW if anyone knows anything that is the story line from Home Alone. Browse more videos. and Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na. The name may have Warner Bros up in arms over copyright infringement, but it's Home Alone that's the real inspiration for this enjoyable children's film The sincerest form of flattery ... Hari Puttar Inadvertently left at home by adults, young cousins face-off against burglars. Left home alone with his cousin Tuk Tuk (Swini Khara) when his parents go on vacation, Hari must deal with two burglars who hope to Read more Hari Puttar - Top Reviews The beginning song of the film is a testament to what is wrong with children’s films today. Hari Puttar is very different from Home Alone and Harry Potter, as this is not about magic or wizardry. It was not an argument that washed with Judge Reva Khetrapal, sitting in the High Court in Delhi last week. Set in an English country house where Hari has to safeguard a top-secret microchip that his dad has developed for the Indian Army, it's a humdrum children's film guaranteed to make most adults doze. Unfortunately, directors Rajesh Bajaj and … Hollywood can not touch Bollywood at all. But Hari hasn't just borrowed the title from Harry, he's mimicked Macauley too. NOT A REVIEW - Just wondering what it is, if it is neither Harry Potter nor Home Alone. In an interview last week, director Lucky Kohli said the name was 'nothing but an unfortunate coincidence'. Outside of stealing two plots from popular movies, Hari Puttar: A Comedy of Terrors, looks pretty funny so check it out if you can. Later in the hearing, Judge Reva Khetrapal was shown trailers of "Hari Puttar," prompting him to remark, "This looks quite similar to 'Home Alone.' The movie seems to be quite inspired from the source, be it the story or the scenes, as I could find scenes from Home Alone in the promos itself. Hari Puttar - A Comedy Of Terrors is not remotely inspired by Hari Potter, but it actually borrows from Home Alone. There was some sms joke doing the rounds, "What would Harry Potter be called if he was born in Punjab?" Check out rabbipantho Hari Puttar – A Comedy of Terrors Movie user reviews and ratings at 2008. Find the perfect gift for yourself or your favorite people. Home / Entertainment / Reviews / Hari Puttar - A Comedy of Terrors: First Look! A child alone at home, two bumbling goons out to get him and whole scenes lifted from Chris Columbus’s very popular Home Alone. Hari Prasad [Zain Khan] or Hari Puttar, as he is fondly called, is a bright 10-year-old … Hari Puttar isn't in their league but it's decent enough and certainly not as bad as it's been made out to be. Nov 11, 2018 - The film revolves around a ten-year-old boy, Hari Prasad Dhoonda (nicknamed Hari Puttar), who has recently moved from India to the United Kingdom. 'We thought there will be magic, but it has nothing to do with witchcraft and wizardry,' said Dinesh Kumar, 22. Follow. Asking Indians to respect intellectual property rights is like asking them to keep the noise down at Diwali – they will never do it. If the reaction of those who turned up at the PVR Anupam cinema in the upmarket Saket area of Delhi on Friday evening was anything to go by, Warner Bros should have relied on the judgment of the viewing public. The `Hari Puttar` name has been in the news and has appeared at places for the last 18 months, Munish Purii, COO of Mirchi Movies, told IANS. This “Home Alone” and “Harry Potter” mashup has angered many fans as well as Warner Brothers, who has decided to sue to stop the release of the movie. Hari is a common name in India and Hindi for God, while "puttar" is Punjabi for son. Shop Products. The story sounds similar to Home Alone and the title is similar to Harry Potter. Hari somehow manages to save the documents and take care of his sister. But there is something that is right, Hari Puttar seems to be INSPIRED by Home Alone series. I don't want to waste time justifying myself. At least that’s what someone came up with in a board meeting and they probably got a promotion for it rather than being fired like they should have been. Though the similarity from Hollywood's blockbuster Home Alone is impossible to miss, you'll probably forgive the makers in favour of the constant laughs the film provides. Zain Khan, Swini Khara, Jackie Shroff, Sarika, Saurabh Shukla and Vijay Raaz are the main stars in this film. 14 – Hari Puttar: A Comedy of Terrors, Hey guys lets remake Home Alone in India many many years after Home Alone was popular. The film revolves around a ten-year-old boy, Hari Prasad Dhoonda (nicknamed Hari Puttar), who has recently moved from India to the United Kingdom. Outside of stealing two plots from popular movies, Hari Puttar: A Comedy of Terrors, looks pretty funny so check it out if you can. Hari Puttar is an exuberant, hilarious film, directed by Lucky Kohli. Is there anyone here that sides with the Indian Producers? The story seems to be loosely based on hit Hollywood series Home Alone. My film has 10 children, songs and graphics that Home Alone didn't have. Hari Puttar - Preview. This film is just cutesy, empty-headed candyfloss for the soul. Directed by Rajesh Bajaj, Lucky Kohli. The story of Hari Puttar is similar to Home Alone 1. Hari Puttar is a mockbuster of "Home Alone" with a name that sounds a lot like "Harry Potter" another hit movie series. There was some sms joke doing the rounds, "What would Harry Potter be called if he was born in Punjab?" Left home alone with his cousin Tuk Tuk (Swini Khara) when his parents go on vacation, Hari must deal with two burglars who hope to steal a secret formula Hari's father had created. It even elicited the odd chuckle from me as Hari outwits his idiotic foes (Vijay Raaz and Saurabh Shukla), who are actually funnier than the crooks in Home Alone, camping up their performances to ridiculous Bollywood heights. Hari is a very common name, and 'Puttar' is a word every other person uses to address their son, especially in Punjabi. Hari is dumped on by everybody: his elder brother thinks he is a total wimp, his cousins laugh at his accent; in fact, the whole caboodle thinks he should neither be seen nor heard. The new movie is, indeed, a rip-off of a Hollywood children's classic, but it is Home Alone rather than Harry Potter that has provided the plot. There isn't a Hindi word for "rip-off", which is why Indians faces go blank at the World Trade Organisation when other countries get hissy at them for breaking international patents on everything from pharmaceuticals through to fashion and software and then selling their own versions for a millionth of the original price. ... by intruders when the youngster is left home alone The story seems to be loosely based on hit Hollywood series Home Alone. Hari Puttar _ Interview. Photograph: AP When the makers of Bollywood's latest blockbuster hit on the wizard idea of calling it Hari Puttar… Just that in the Hindi remake, the lead kid has his cousin sis for company while he outwits the goons! If you thought Hari Puttar is the desi version of Harry Potter, you are wrong. Playing next. Home Alone Parody: Kevin Defends the Apartment (2015) via YouTube ★★★:DRYVRS Ep. , as this is the desi version of Home hari puttar home alone and Harry Potter and Home Alone the... 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