Means to show pleasure, joy, or contentment. Someone is usually gleeful after something really good happens. Positive adjectives (aka ‘describing words’) can help us to describe someone’s characteristics in a more positive light. 90 Just . Delighted 14. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'myenglishteacher_eu-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_8',672,'0','0'])); Means that something is sending out light. People often think about a merry or jolly person being happy and always smiling, and unfortunately they are traditionally thought of as being fat. 12 Synonyms for Different: Unalike, Unlike, Divergent,…, 30 Most Common English Proverbs with Food, 15 ways to say In Conclusion Synonyms for IN CONCLUSION, Other Ways to Say STUPID! Practicing happy thoughts and a little dose of positive words beginning with S will bring you a sunny and bright start to the day. Letter L – Adjectives to describe a person: 95 Laid-back . Comfortable 10. Better 6. Blessed 7. 5 positive answers. Amusing entertaining; pleasing; funny; hilarious; arousing laughter and enjoyment. Meaning "extremely costly, rich, luxurious, or magnificent," the word "sumptuous" … Beguiled filled … He was so cheerful, it looked like he was skipping through the streets. Means pleased and content. Halcyon peaceful; calm; tranquil; serene; happy; prosperous; golden.Happy fortunate; enjoying; joyful; marked by good luck, pleasure or satisfaction; felicitous.High happy; excited; energetic.High-spirited courageous; lively; vivacious; bold; cheerfully unrestrained.Hilarious extremely funny; mirthful; merry; jolly.Hopeful expecting some pleasant fulfillment, success or promise.Humorous jocular; funny; playful.Hysterical extremely or excessively funny. Excited 19. Music to your ears. Stupid Synonyms, Synonyms for Coolest & Coolest Definition. His carefree attitude didn’t make sense, considering he was in so much financial trouble. Content isn’t the same as being cheerful or jovial, it’s a little bit less happy than that. Light free from troubles or worries; blithe.Light-hearted happy and carefree; cheerful; merry; free from anxiety.Lively full, of life, spirit and energy; refreshing; invigorating; brisk.Lucky fortuitous; favored by luck or chance. Capable 8. Using words like these can help when you want to describe other people, objects, places, and situations in a pleasant way. Cherished 9. Fain happy; satisfied; willing.Felicitous happy; prosperous; delightful; skillful; successful; fortunate; pleasing.Fortuitous fortunate or lucky.Funny causing amusement, laughter or mirth; intended to amuse or being comical; amusing. He’s in a jocular mood, he’s been telling jokes all afternoon. Means that someone is happy, cheerful, and lively. It can also be used to hope... 3. Other generic words to describe people would include – … Means that someone is being given a lot of pleasure and satisfaction. It can mean happy, but it can also just be the absence of being unhappy. Radiant emanating great love, joy, happiness or health.Rapturous filled with great joy or delight; ecstatic; ravishing.Rejoicing an act of showing joy and happiness.Relish to take zestful or keen pleasure in. Jaunty having a lively, cheerful, buoyant or self-confident air; brisk.Jocular merry; amusing; humorous; sportive; waggish.Jolly full of good humor and merry spirits; enjoyable; greatly pleasing; mirthful; cheerful.Jovial characterized by good cheer and hearty conviviality; merry; hilarious; jolly; majestic.Joyful feeling or causing delight; very glad; full of joy and happiness.Joyous joyful; happy; glad; merry.Jubilant expressing joy or happiness; triumphant; exulting; full of delight. Means that someone is cheerful, and you can see the joy on their face. You look particularly merry today, did something good happen. 101 Loyal . Buoyant also means to float, and as a synonym of happy, a person who is buoyant seems as if they are so happy that they are floating. Let’s take a look at a few different ways to use adjectives. Appreciated 4. Means that someone or something is lighthearted and entertaining. These words are associated with Santa Claus. A vocabulary word list (word bank) of adjectives describing people and their personal qualities. 89 Joyous . Nice could mean anything and everything. The English language would be incredibly dull without those descriptive adjectives. They are so happy that it can be visibly seen on... 2. Refers to someone triumphantly joyful. Letter J & K – Adjectives to describe a person: 87 Jovial . Feel free to use this list to expand your vocabulary and be more descriptive! Refers to someone being happy and peaceful. someone who is idealistic. Respected – It is when you feel a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality or ability, or something considered as a manifestation of a personal quality. Speech (Feelings of happiness) That was amazing!” Jill cried in delight. Would love your thoughts, please comment. 7 Best Wireless Earbuds in 2020 & What it Means! Synonyms for happy include joyful, merry, cheerful, delighted, delightful, ecstatic, effervescent, enjoyable, fantastic and glad. Merry jolly; joyous; happy; offering fun, laughter and gaiety.Mirthful full of merriment, gladness and gaiety; jovial. It can be used to not just express how someone feels in that moment, but also how someone feels about something. Satisfied filled with satisfaction, pleasure or enjoyment.Serene pleasantly peaceful or calm; without anxiety or worry.Smiley cheerful; smiling; happy.Smiling smiling with optimism or happiness.Spirited full of vigor, life or courage; lively.Sprightly full of vitality and spirit; lively; brisk; vivacious; energetic.Sunny cheerful; genial; warm; bright; shining; radiant. Sumptuous. 15 Synonyms for Happy: Joyful, Carefree, Lighthearted,…. Means that someone is happy and optimistic. How to respond to How Are You? Here are some of the most popular. After getting such a great score, she was gleeful. I haven’t been happy at this company for a long time. If you hear something that makes you really happy, often what someone else has said, then use this English expression. Using this collection of positive words to describe personality you should be able to touch anyone with a heartfelt show of appreciation and love. In the case of being a synonym to happy, it means that someone is so happy that you can see the joy coming off of them. Gaiety the state of joyful merriment or exuberance; mirthfulness; vivacity.Giddy lightheartedly silly; joyfully elated; given to frivolity.Glad pleased and cheerful; feeling happy; appreciative; very willing; joyous; gratified.Gleeful triumphantly joyful; full of overjoyed delight; merry.Good-humored cheerful; amiable; happy.Grateful thankful; showing appreciation; gratifying; pleasing.Grin to smile broadly (especially to show pleasure or amusement). A person is happy  in a grateful way. Only place to find our designs is, Worlds safest Level 1 PCI-DSS compliant shopping cart, Select page content in the Theme Settings / General - Global Settings, Synonyms for happiness and joy "happy words", How to start online business from home with no money | GrooveFunnels, Unique Girl Names | Pretty, unusual and uncommon, Kids Word Cloud T-Shirt | Super Cute Words, Lovely words t-shirt "heart-shaped word cloud", BOOMPOSITIVE.COM | Positive Words in Your Pocket. Refers to someone who is please or who is showing that they are finding pleasure in something. Adjectives used to describe a person's character and personality traits. 97 Lively . Synonyms. In a good mood having an cheerful and easygoing disposition.In good spirits happy; cheerful; looking toward the future positively, despite unhappy circumstances.In seventh heaven ecstatic; extremely happy.Invigorating giving energy, strength or vitality. Unpleasant emotions like fear, anger and jealousy which are harmful to the individual’s development are termed as negative emotions. Words to Describe Happy Feelings 1. excite verb. A person’s style is really their way of dressing, and the way they carry themselves. 94 Knowledgeable . 99 Lovable . For example, when a big smile comes onto your face, you might say you are ‘ grinning from ear to ear ‘ or if you are very excited, you might be ‘ jumping up and down with excitement ‘. a happy person who makes others happy; to be warm, kind, bright; someone who is a delight to be around. 'harm-joy') is the experience of pleasure, joy, or self-satisfaction that comes from learning of or witnessing the troubles, failures, or humiliation of another.. Schadenfreude is a complex emotion where, rather than feeling sympathy, one takes pleasure from watching someone's misfortune. Words are one of the essential tools we as humans use to communicate. Let’s start with a simple adjective to describe someone: funny. someone who is ambitious, goal-driven, focused on achievement, competitive, organized, proactive, and in control Here is a list of positive adjectives to describe someone. Means that someone does not have any worries or burdensome responsibilities. When a certain burden is removed you feel relieved and happy. When she's not stumbling our posts she's working from home as a freelance author / blogger. A free online esl lesson with clear example sentences using words like affectionate, sympathetic .. to aggressive, egotistical. People who are happy, hopeful and friendly - thesaurus. 98 Logical . Cheerful and Cheery. How To Improve Communication Skills In English For Beginners, 3 Ways to Improve Listening Skills in English for Beginners. Never been better feeling great; feeling better than ever. Their face lights up. Find below more than 300 positive adjectives to describe people and add to your positive language. The list contains adjectives, synonyms, terminology, and other descriptive words related to happiness. Someone is often delighted in reaction to something. Formal and Informal Email Phrases – from Greetings to Closing Phrases! Merry and Jolly. Insurrection Meaning. someone who tends to expect that good things will happen. please verb. Check your Grammar ››eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'myenglishteacher_eu-leader-1','ezslot_14',673,'0','0'])); When you login first time using a Social Login button, we collect your account public profile information shared by Social Login provider, based on your privacy settings. List of words to describe someone in English with examples and pictures. He was gratified to see how many people showed up for his performance. But if you really think about it, it does not really tell us anything specific about the person’s character, behavior or style. Affectionate 2. 93 Kooky . There are many synonyms that can be substituted for the word happy. Zany comical; ludicrously comical, bizarre or clownish.Zesty characterized by spirited enjoyment or excitement.Zingy pleasantly stimulating.Zippy lively; full of energy; energetically cheerful. Find more ways to say happy, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. It can also be used to hope that someone has a good day. Someone who is jovial is often very talkative and socializes with people. 91 Keen . We've put together a handy list of amazing adjectives you can use to describe tone, feelings and emotions - … Proud – This is an emotion that comes from feeling very important and exalted for the … romantic noun. A cheerful list of synonyms for happiness and words to describe happiness. Simple Subject and Predicate, Examples & Worksheets. A bubbly personality. When I shared my Master List of Ways to Describe Anger the other week, on my Facebook author page, one person told me she expected a paywall when she clicked. Types of Adverb Adverb Examples [All You Need], LIVE Video ››› Free Chat Rooms For English Learners, 6 Ways to Immediately Improve Your English Communication Skills, What does TBH mean? You can use this word to describe a person or thing that achieves its goals or fulfills its purpose. Ebullient joyously enthusiastic; high-spirited; overflowing; bubbling.Ecstatic pleasurable, joyful, delighted, happy, overpowering or entrancing beyond measure.Effervescent enthusiastic; vivacious; fizzy; high-spirited.Elated extremely joyful and proud; highly pleased or delighted; high-spirited.Enjoyable pleasant; yielding satisfaction, pleasure or enjoyment.Enraptured filled with great joy and pleasure.Entertaining amusing; pleasing; diverting.Esprit liveliness of spirit or mind; enthusiasm.Euphoric exaggerated or intense feeling of happiness, pleasure or well-being.Exhilarated elated; envigorated; in high spirits.Exuberant luxuriant; lavish; extremely energetic; very highly enthusiastic; full of unrestrained joy, enthusiasm and cheer.Exultant expressing or characterized by rejoice or joy; triumphant. Cheerful people are usually always smiling. or These nice but powerful words will get you started thinking positively about yourself and about people. I am pleased with the outcome of our meeting. Working for this company has been a joyful experience. 92 Kind . someone who believes that things are better or … Relieved – To ease the burden in you. A ray of sunshine. So now you know 59 positive adjectives to describe people you like. This list is a comprehensive guide to positive words that start with S to describe a person, thing, feeling and more, that have a … (TBH full form) on Facebook, Instagram, Texting, Subject and Predicate. Enjoy 17. Another word for happy. 15 Synonyms for Happy: Joyful, Carefree, Lighthearted,… 1. There are different ways we can use this word to describe a person. It usually describes a mood. Buoyant also means to float, and as a synonym of happy, a person who is buoyant seems as if they are so happy that they are floating. We have a list of more that 40 words to help you describe your feelings (state of mind) and emotions. Means that someone is happy with or likes something. Once your account is created, you'll be logged-in to this account. someone who is very happy, perky, and often optimistic. If you are telling someone about your Grandmother and you want to be able to convey what a lovely person she is, this would be a great time to use personality … On cloud nine extremely happy; euphoric.On top of the world elated and very happy; exceptionally pleased or satisfied.Optimistic disposed to take the most favorable or hopeful view of matter; hopeful; sanguine.Overjoyed extremely happy and joyful.Over the moon extremely delighted, happy or pleased. Means that someone is cheerful and optimistic. I want to wish you a Merry Christmas before you leave to visit your family. Auspicious Beaming cheerful; happy; radiant. This can be a synonym for happy, but it’s not as strong as many of the other synonyms. Happy is simply feeling good. optimist noun. Confident 11. Means to express great happiness for or about something. Use the below list to find different terms pertaining to happiness. to make someone feel happy and satisfied. Schadenfreude (/ ˈ ʃ ɑː d ən f r ɔɪ d ə /; German: [ˈʃaːdn̩ˌfʁɔʏ̯də] (); lit. Some words feel good to both the speaker and the listener. Vidya from VidyaSury helps spread the word about NPN as one of our Social Media volunteers. To make someone happy or happier - thesaurus. I was very content with our conversation. to make someone feel happy and enthusiastic about something good that is going to happen. Which one do you use? A Type A personality. Suitable for classroom use or self-study at home. We also get your email address to automatically create an account for you in our website. When someone sends happy words in your direction, it elicits a feeling of joy from you, and you suddenly have a positive outlook on things. Appreciated 5. Amusing entertaining; pleasing; funny; hilarious; arousing laughter and enjoyment.Auspicious. idealist noun. … Means that someone does not have any worries or burdensome responsibilities. Means that someone is happy and optimistic. We all know how important nice words, or positive words can be to an individual. List of adjectives, synonyms, and related terms to describe happiness. Someone who is buoyant is extremely happy. Example: Her success in the last three years brought her into the role as a director of the department. Content 13. It is usually used to describe someone not having to do or worry about anything, or it is described as an attitude. I hope these happy phrases help with your novel, story, or whatever you’re writing! Confident 12. Engaged 16. Skype English Lesson with a native AMERICAN or BRITISH teacher ››. What Does IDK mean in Text? Delectable delightful; delicious; greatly pleasing.Delighted joyous; joyful; greatly pleased; filled with delight and wonder.Diverting entertaining; amusing; pleasing. Means that someone is being given a lot of pleasure and satisfaction. They are also useful for factual and creative writing. Here is a list of the top 100 happy words according to research: It is often used to wish someone a Merry Christmas. A person is happy. Insurrection Translation and Synonyms. I love hanging out with Beth, she’s always so cheerful. Pollyannaish comes to mind, but that might be broadening the definition. Excited 18. Untroubled easy in mind; free from worries and distractions.Upbeat happy; optimistic; having a fast and positive tone. Peace of mind serene and happy; the absence of anxiety or mental stress.Perky characterized by lightheartedness and liveliness; jaunty; sprightlyPlayful full of high spirits and fun; humorous; recreational; frolicsome.Pleased happy; content; experiencing satisfaction or pleasure.Positive optimistic; confident.Propitious auspicious; favorable; kind; helpful; gracious. Positive words to describe happiness "happy words" A cheerful list of synonyms for happiness and words to describe happiness. He was contented with the agreement that was struck. hearten verb. Style. ‍♀️ 35 Ways to Say IDK, A BIG List of Prefixes and Suffixes and Their Meanings, 199 Phrases for Saying Thank You in Any Situation ✅. Refers to someone who is being playful or is joking. Personality Adjectives! English Words to Describe Feelings and Emotions Happiness is an essential feeling for every human being due to the good it does to the system. Dr. Seuss TWEET THIS. After taking their outrage on someone, they repent afterwards. To give you some ideas beyond nice, great and kind, here is a long and thorough list of more than 360 positive personality adjectives, all listed A-Z: Other ways to describe happiness in English are more general idioms related to the actions a person might take when happy. Synonyms. Pretentious needs a secondary definer to include “happy” portion, so that fails. Means that someone is cheerful, and you can see the joy on their face. Amused 3. Means that someone is cheerful and optimistic. OK. Beaming cheerful; happy; radiant.Beguiled filled with delight and wonder.Blissful full of or characterized by felicity and joy; completely happy; glorified; blessed.Blithe merry; sprightly; joyous; glad; cheerful.Buoyant having life or vigor or spirit; light-hearted; vivacious; cheerful. Thrilled extremely delighted or excited; feeling intense pleasurable and enjoyable excitement.Tickled pink greatly pleased or entertained; delighted. Carefree free of worry, trouble and care.Cheerful having life or vigor or spirit; cheery; contented; happy; joyful; lively; animated.Cheery showing or promoting good spirits or mood; cheerful; pleasant; lively; bright.Chipper cheerful; lively; talkative.Chirpy energetic and happy; lively; talkative; in a good mood.Cock-a-hoop exultant; jubilant; very happy.Contented expressing or feeling happiness or satisfaction. A vocabulary list featuring Positive Adjectives to Describe People. to make someone … Languages and a sunny and bright start to the good it does to the day to individual. Delight to be around taking their outrage on someone, they repent afterwards last three years Her... Be warm, kind, bright ; someone who tends to expect that good things happen... Posts she 's working from home as a freelance author words to describe a happy person blogger email Phrases – from to. As negative emotions burden is removed you feel relieved and happy financial trouble sunny and start... 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