Comments. With Scott McNeil, Garry Chalk, Ian James Corlett, Richard Newman. Beast Wars, known as Beasties in Canada, is a 1996 animated television series animated by Canadian studio Mainframe entertainment to accompany the toy line of the same name. Transformers Headmasters Model Sheets Character model set featuring the Headmasters and Targetmasters along with episode specific character sheets from early episodes View Full Gallery: Transformers Super-God Masterforce DVD Booklet A booklet which came with the DVD … A brand-new Beast era begins in an oversized first issue by Erik Burnham (Ghostbusters, Transformers/Ghostbusters) and Josh Burcham (Transformers, Transformers Galaxies), yesssss! View Gallery 1 View Gallery 2 . Account. Beast Wars - 1996. Customs. When most people think of the Transformers, the characters who instantly spring to mind (Optimus Prime, Megatron, Bumblebee, Starscream, etc.) This is about The Transformers, Beast Wars and Beast Machines, NOT HOUSE OF MOUSE. Characters featured include Hot Rod, Ultra Magnus and more. Characters. A member of the Maximals from the Beast Wars series. On pliocenic Earth, the heroic Maximals and the evil Predacons battle for survival against each other and against a violent planet. Predacon leader named after the Decepticon leader. Beast Wars characters. A member of the Maximals from the Beast Wars series. Megatron. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Maximals. The eternally treacherous Air Commander of the Decepticons, reduced to an immortal, free-floating spark … Oct 5, 2013 - This Pin was discovered by Marzouq. 6,809 articles since July 7, 2009. The planet abounds in mystery, with vast deposits of raw energon and evidence of alien activity. © 2021 GIANT BOMB, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. send you an email once approved. your own Pins on Pinterest While beast-mode Transformers had been around since day one, those were robotic beasts. Reviews. Dinobot. Forums. Break was voted the 11th strangest Transformers Beast Wars figure by Topless Robots. This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll infinity squad, harvest, hipaxx, grand eagle, oddje, and sicolipeed, zipper the zebra(a maximal and his friends that are good buds of the zebra racing stripes), larrobin( a rock lord that protects and defends bumblyburg), Yakogonn-maximal scientist who's beast mode is a yak, team fate ice beast, orangunru, astid, and mitolmon, BW big bang primal( ultra mammoths good friend), gizmo(blasters second in arms officer and expert gunner, his beast mode is a transmetal giraffe), beldinnadee(kirbons trusty pal and bandana dees friend and counterpart), Fistfight( a fist and kickboxer like kick-off and pandelmon, his beast mode is a Paracyclotosaurus). DepthCharge/Rampage Home. List of programs aired on WB Kids (TV channel), Smosh X Rooster Teeth: Ultimate All-Stars, Noimage.png( a solid rock guardian of bumblyburg), See the Beast Machines character sheet for the characters introduced in that series. Ironhide (G1) Airazor (BW) Grimlock (G1) Dinobot (BW) Maximals. Characters. Trending pages. 5. A more mature series, Beast Wars achieved a level of storytelling quality heretofore unseen in Transformers animation RELATED: Transformers: Top 10 Beast Wars Episodes, Ranked (According to IMDb) One effect of storytelling quality was serialization, which in turn meant more defined characters whose faction allegiances were looser than they had been in The Transformers. Character Profiles. Beast Wars: Transformers (2015): New Beginning Part Three Beast Wars: Transformers (2015): New Beginning Part Two Beast Wars: Transformers (2019 Live Action Movie) beeHere's a List of Characters ofBeast Wars: Transformers (2015 Series). Features. Beast Wars: Transformers (titled Beasties: Transformers in Canada), is an American-Canadian computer animated television series that debuted in 1996 and ended on March 7, 1999, serving as the flagship of the Transformers: Beast Wars franchise. Top Rated Lists for Beast Wars: Transformers. Inferno. The young Maximal (called Cybertrons in Japan) crew of the Star Voyager find themselves on a post-apocalyptic Earth called Gaia with the mysterious Angolmois Energy. Contents (view all pages) Predacons; Maximals; Decepticons; Autobots; List Of Beast Wars: Transformers Episodes; List Of Beast Machines: Transformers Episodes; The Vok ; Fuzors; Darksyde, The Predacon Transwarp Vessel; … The Energon forces the newly arrived Transformers to take on protective beast forms to shield themselves from the ambient Energon radiation. See more ideas about beast, transformers, transformers art. Characters. Help. Feb 22, 2020 - On a whim I decided to do a little write-up thing for the Top 25 Beast Wars characters, ranked from 25 up until 1. 1. Got Plot. Giant Bomb users. The principal characters from Beast Wars Neo. ← Back to toy list menu All Transformers Characters ... • Beast Wars 1996 (28 toys) • Beast Wars 1997 (22 toys) • Beast Wars 1998 (25 toys) • Beast Wars 1999 (32 toys) • Beast Wars 2000 (4 toys) • Beast Wars 2001 (1 toys) ↑ top. The beasts are taking over! Melody's job is essential to maintaining a fragile peace and a largely covert Autobot presence on Earth. By Joe Pring @JCPring 2 weeks ago. are ones who were introduced during the series' initial iteration that debuted on TV screens, comic pages, and toy shelves in 1984. Airazor. NO CROSSOVER CHARACTERS ALLOWED. The Maximals The Predacons Other show characters Characters from the Expanded Universenote Includes characters from the comics … IMs. Public Profile. Released Dec 05, 1997. A complete checklist of the Transformers - Beast Wars (Hasbro) action figure toy series to help you complete your collection. Transformers: Beast Wars Transmetals (トランスフォーマー ビーストウォーズメタルス 激突!ガンガンバトル / Transformers Beast Wars Metals: Gekitotsu! The Beast Wars TV series was the first Transformers series to feature computer-animated characters, and was produced by Mainframe Entertainment of Vancouver, British Columbia; its story editors were Bob Forward and Larry DiTillio.The production designer for the show, Clyde Klotz, won a Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Individual Achievement in Animation in 1997 for his work on Beast Wars. A member of the Predacons from the computer-generated series Beast Wars. Also over the course of the series certain transformers changed into different animals, for example Megatron started out as a T-Rex, but later on changed to a dragon. He often clashes with f… A member of the Decepticons and the Predacons from the Transformers universe. Discover (and save!) Other characters who appear are Grimlock in his Beast Wars body (a recolored Dinobot toy) and Ravage in his Transmetal II "Tripredacus Agent" incarnation. Beast Wars opens at an unspecified time and place, where two warring factions of robots have crashed on a strange planet populated by animals like those on Earth. Not much later, the Autobots have approached Melody, and after initial hesitation, the both parties have agreed to let Melody become a mediator of human-Autobot relations. Predacon leader named … Despite the fact he is the smallest Maximal, this works to his advantage several times in the series. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Transformers Beast Wars Trilogy Is Reportedly Set In Space And Has No Humans. Optimus Primal is a descendent of the legendary Autobot Optimus Prime. Jun 8, 2019 - Explore Michael Corlew's board "Beast Wars" on Pinterest. A member of the Predacons from the Beast Wars series. Beast Wars has the best Transformers characters we will ever see on TV and I want to give a breakdown of the ones I like best, so here it goes! A member of the Predacons from the series Beast Wars. A page for describing Characters: Beast Wars Others. Melody Keen - Melody is a geologist and a geoengineering specialist who stumbled upon proof of Autobot activity on Earth. User Account. With sales of the Generation 2 toyline proving unremarkable, Hasbro faced a choice: end the Transformers brand for a second time, or drastically revamp the concept. A member of the Predacons from the Beast Wars series. Characters in Beast Wars. Noimage.png.png Thunderclash Noimage.png( a solid rock guardian of bumblyburg) … consists of 2 releases. Luca - Luca is much more than a simple archeologist. A member of the Predacons from the Beast Wars series. x. 1. IDW’s Transformers Beast Wars: Issue #1 iTunes Preview Posted on January 21, 2021 at 9:41 pm by AzT under Beast Wars , Comics , Crossovers Series artist – and TFW2005 member – Josh Burcham joins TFW2005 member Sockie in updating our February solicitations coverage with the iTunes Apple Books three-page preview of Transformers Beast Wars issue #1. An image of the poster from the third part of the Transformers War for Cybertron trilogy has been found on Facebook. Assortment - Misc. Cheetor. A mini-series takes place parallel to the third season of Beast Wars and introduces characters who are not shown in the original series such as Magmatron, Razorbeast, and Injector. Blackarachnia. It was the first series in the Western part of the franchise since the The Transformers that was entirely made up of new animation. Transformers The Movie. Often pessimistic and sarcastic, Rattrap is usually a survivalist, even though he always believes the Maximals are going to die. Optimus Prime (Primax) Megatron (G1) Optimus Primal. Beast Wars characters took on the appearance of fully-organic creatures, which also affected their robot-mode looks: while there were "metal" parts, the design… Over the course of the series certain transformers were fuzed together forming Fuzors (i.e. A member of the Maximals from the Beast Wars series. This edit will also create new pages on Giant Bomb for: Until you earn 1000 points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Tigatron + Airazor = Tigerhawk). Comic Strips. A list of characters from the 1998 anime series Beast Wars II: Super Life-Form Transformers and film Beast Wars II: Lio Convoy, Close Call! The Transformers' war continues in an older time, through a new generation. Idea Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Game » Heinrad (sometimes mistranslated as "Heinlad") Heinlad's tech spec statistics only state that he has a rank of 7 - everything else is unknown. This not a list of the characters in order of favoritude - … The smart-alek sometimes third-in-command of the Maximals. 1. They chose the second option, handing the reigns over to their newly-acquired Kennerdivision. A member of the Maximals from the Beast Wars series. Checklists.
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