x�+� � | >> Initially, there were 92/361 controversial acupuncture points (acupoints). Stuart Lightbody x�͹!Eឧ���Q�ҵ��Kd��%��Cs�S}w��o�ұ ;�i��|��ddȯ��,���U�M�_K��l�!�j��z x��A Contrary to popular opinion, the evidence of acupuncture usage is older in Europe than it is in China 2 but the foundations of modern acupuncture were indeed laid in China during the Ming Dynasty by ‘The Great Compendium of Acupuncture & Moxibustion 3. endobj 22 0 obj 5 0 obj <>stream �0�}N1�jL�Z]��n%�����|�޾f3��,�È�����BA#�8�FQ����������&u�d[IݖX:?`p���7v��E�ey���Jav�4\@?K+c\�+yܭ��vv�(��+�#�R��+�0z 21 0 obj 8 0 obj �0�}N1�jL�Z]��n%�����|�޾f3��,�È�����BA#�8�FQ����������&u�d[IݖX:?`p���7v��E�ey���Jav�4\@?K+c\�+yܭ��vv�(��+�#�R��+�0z Tung Acupuncture Points: Reference Guide Tung Acupuncture Points: Reference Guide Book Description read ebook Online PDF EPUB KINDLE,Tung Acupuncture Points: Reference Guide pdf,Tung Acupuncture Points: Reference Guide read online,Tung Acupuncture Points: Reference Guide epub, vk, pdf,Tung Acupuncture Points: Reference Guide amazon,Tung Acupuncture Points: Reference Guide free pdf… 2021-01-25T07:16:37-08:00 <>stream 7 0 obj <>stream Anatomy Charts - PDF Spinal anatomy, shoulder anatomy and TMJ anatomy. endstream 361-acupuncture-points.com is a web project, safe and generally suitable for all ages.We found that English is the preferred language on 361 Acupuncture Points pages. <>>>/BBox[0 0 597.68 842.13]/Length 150>>stream <>>>/BBox[0 0 597.68 842.13]/Length 150>>stream 15 0 obj endobj endobj <>stream x�+� � | endstream This book provides detailed information on the 361 Classical Acupuncture Points in a concise and accurate format. endobj ��5p�"z�S�hoS��k�)n�†0��xI��U'/ 33 0 obj Mi piace: 2027. endstream First Aid: Exhaustion. 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Slaughter Media TEXT ID f108af694 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library connected to the acupuncture point is different from the akupunktur deutsche zeitschrift fur dz a originalia original articles d o i 1 0 1 0 1 6 j d z a 2 0 0 8 0 5 0 0 6 2 6 d t z 361 Acupuncture Points. endstream 9 0 obj ��5p�"z�S�hoS��k�)n�†0��xI��U'/ endobj endstream x�+� � | endobj It is also designed for use in the treatment room to enable the practitioner to quickly and confidently select the most effective point(s) for the patient in front of them. endobj Acupuncture points lie on the invisible meridians on the body through which energy flows. �0�}N1�jL�Z]��n%�����|�޾f3��,�È�����BA#�8�FQ����������&u�d[IݖX:?`p���7v��E�ey���Jav�4\@?K+c\�+yܭ��vv�(��+�#�R��+�0z uuid:da129d75-4fa7-4340-b843-d6ef49074bdd Tsun or cun is the measurement of one “body inch” used locate acupuncture points. x�S�*�*T0T0 BC#=#K=S#��\��L3�|�@|*�! Read 361 Classical Acupuncture Points, The: Names, Functions, Descriptions And Locations book reviews & author details and more at Amazon.in. Learn TCM Acupuncture points easily within this android app! and acupuncture points, and reached a consensus on 361 classical Acupuncture points. 4 0 obj <>>>/BBox[0 0 597.68 842.13]/Length 150>>stream /F1 6 0 R endstream The Standard is applicable for teaching, research, clinical service, publication, and academic exchanges involving acupuncture. endstream This all gives the impression that acupuncture points are precise, fixed locations that everybody agrees on, but this is actually far from true. This book provides detailed information on the 361 Classical Acupuncture Points in a concise and accurate format. *� L�� �0�}N1�jL�Z]��n%�����|�޾f3��,�È�����BA#�8�FQ����������&u�d[IݖX:?`p���7v��E�ey���Jav�4\@?K+c\�+yܭ��vv�(��+�#�R��+�0z << <>>>/BBox[0 0 597.68 842.13]/Length 150>>stream >> 2020-01-21T13:53:18+08:00 <>stream 30 0 obj The width of the thumb is 1 cun, width of two fingers is 1.5 cun, four fingers is 3 cun. endobj Acupuncture Points - Physical & Spiritual Health - GoogleFu.Global endobj endobj It is also designed for use in the treatment room to enable the practitioner to quickly and confidently select the most effective point(s) for the patient in front of them. 2,027 likes. }K�O�|_&�b�Oe�M��߳��T, The 361 Classical Acupuncture Points : Names, Functions, Descriptions and Locations (367 Pages). endobj endstream <>>>/BBox[0 0 597.68 842.13]/Length 124>>stream It is an essential working textbook for all. This Standard acupuncture point locations in the Western Pacific Region stipulates the methodology for locating acupuncture points on the surface of the human body, as well as the locations of 361 acupuncture points. The 361 Classical Acupuncture Points : Names, Functions, Descriptions and Locations (367 Pages) /ProcSet [/PDF /Text ] 17 0 obj 38 0 obj 0� p(ؘ\e������KT�c�ˡ�����,�����:85�u���Bs�a���-^���/� endstream �0�}N1�jL�Z]��n%�����|�޾f3��,�È�����BA#�8�FQ����������&u�d[IݖX:?`p���7v��E�ey���Jav�4\@?K+c\�+yܭ��vv�(��+�#�R��+�0z Measurement is always taken from the patient’s hand. It is an essential working textbook for all acupuncture students. 14 0 obj 37 0 obj endobj endobj endobj <>>>/BBox[0 0 597.68 842.13]/Length 124>>stream endobj endobj >> <>stream Adobe InDesign CC 13.1 (Windows) <>stream for locating acupuncture points on the surface of the human body, as well as the locations of 361 acupuncture points. The Standard is applicable for teaching, research, clinical service, publication, and academic exchanges involving acupuncture. *� Lp� endstream endstream uuid:15dfd9ca-4698-43fc-8f9a-093012b4768b <>>>/BBox[0 0 597.68 842.13]/Length 124>>stream endstream x�͹!Eឧ���Q�ҵ��Kd��%��Cs�S}w��o�ұ ;�i��|��ddȯ��,���U�M�_K��l�!�j��z 28 0 obj /Font << <>stream File Type PDF Who Standard Acupuncture Point Locations 361 acupuncture points. Acupuncture Points - Physical & Spiritual Health - GoogleFu.Global 361 Acupuncture Points. <>>>/BBox[0 0 597.68 842.13]/Length 150>>stream 29 0 obj <>stream <>stream 18 0 obj /Type /Page 26 0 obj endstream endobj <>>>/BBox[0 0 597.68 842.13]/Length 124>>stream <>stream endobj /F2 9 0 R /Contents 4 0 R >> b3566 The 361 Classical Acupuncture Points 210mmx297mm(4) 4 Heart ⏊ Location HT 3 — Lesser Sea (Little Sea, Yellow Sea, Lesser Yin Sea) Water Point. x�͹!Eឧ���Q�ҵ��Kd��%��Cs�S}w��o�ұ ;�i��|��ddȯ��,���U�M�_K��l�!�j��z x��A Get Free Acupuncture Meridian Theory And Acupuncture Points Textbook and unlimited access to our library by created an account. This Standard acupuncture point locations in the Western Pacific Region stipulates the methodology for locating acupuncture points on the surface of the human body, as well as the locations of 361 acupuncture points. *� M@� 361 acupuncture points pdf - This book provides detailed information on the Classical Acupuncture Points in a concise and accurate format. <>stream Acupuncture Points - Physical & Spiritual Health - GoogleFu.Global �0�}N1�jL�Z]��n%�����|�޾f3��,�È�����BA#�8�FQ����������&u�d[IݖX:?`p���7v��E�ey���Jav�4\@?K+c\�+yܭ��vv�(��+�#�R��+�0z endstream %���� endobj endobj <>>>/BBox[0 0 597.68 842.13]/Length 150>>stream 13 0 obj endobj Meaning Location 1046 LE10 Bafeng 八风 Eight Winds 0.5 cun proximal to the web margin between the five toes on the dorsum of the foot. 1 0 obj x��A /F6 21 0 R x�S�*�*T0T0 BC#=#K=S#��\��L�|�@|*L! %PDF-1.4 <>stream 2K likes. <>stream �0�}N1�jL�Z]��n%�����|�޾f3��,�È�����BA#�8�FQ����������&u�d[IݖX:?`p���7v��E�ey���Jav�4\@?K+c\�+yܭ��vv�(��+�#�R��+�0z x�͹!Eឧ���Q�ҵ��Kd��%��Cs�S}w��o�ұ ;�i��|��ddȯ��,���U�M�_K��l�!�j��z Acupuncture Points Guide – Smarter Healing %���� %PDF-1.6 endstream �0�}N1�jL�Z]��n%�����|�޾f3��,�È�����BA#�8�FQ����������&u�d[IݖX:?`p���7v��E�ey���Jav�4\@?K+c\�+yܭ��vv�(��+�#�R��+�0z Code PinYin Char. 16 0 obj 31 0 obj endobj x��A endobj 24 0 obj He-Sea/Antique-Autumn Point. ��5p�"z�S�hoS��k�)n�†0��xI��U'/ <>>>/BBox[0 0 597.68 842.13]/Length 124>>stream <>>>/BBox[0 0 597.68 842.13]/Length 124>>stream <>stream x�͹!Eឧ���Q�ҵ��Kd��%��Cs�S}w��o�ұ ;�i��|��ddȯ��,���U�M�_K��l�!�j��z Nov 10, 2020 acupuncture handbook point locations Posted By Edgar Rice BurroughsLtd TEXT ID c36f2689 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library this book introduces 361 acupuncture point location and indications each point is numbered by the standard system along with the chinese names detailed point locations with anatomical descriptions and Each acupuncture point on the 14 classical channels (361 points) and 34 extra points were individually assessed to relate the point location to anatomical and neuroanatomical features. ��5p�"z�S�hoS��k�)n�†0��xI��U'/ <>>>/BBox[0 0 597.68 842.13]/Length 150>>stream 361-acupuncture-points.com: visit the most interesting 361 Acupuncture Points pages, well-liked by users from your country and all over the world, or check the rest of 361-acupuncture-points.com data below. stream endobj ��5p�"z�S�hoS��k�)n�†0��xI��U'/ endstream x^՝ms�����S��^���d�0O�TwK�%Ǿrlߛ�l�%ʢ�b$�v�A�����L71���J�y���0��4��?�����?��sf���?�}��q0���Y㏝?���至�|�?�ݡ=��������}�����?��R�� ����|p症��o&ɫ�?�������B��8�+}9�܀**^��~��y����P���Q�������J���oM�u;�}7�����ƸԀ:�X�b����Z߿��?�[������@���5�X��ڛ�j����߻�� �}�o}���y�����q�|�f��p�������ƌ㸡b��4�M�P�S�5S�Y{~�)���*������؝}|����э�Ĩ�J��xk�f�2Ϧ�۩��^�N�}]�u�ǡ��Qgg��4��Y��05�4.�i\��:��w�$����?���*^N��6J�������K�Mz��|s�h�сW;��ۺ� S�ޚ���ͬ�/�:����*��pᱶ��U���h��ڦo����z׆7�ц^��h6]�f�`�C�h8�l횥_܄��j'��y��4eO-�nJ��h(�=4a�B�~H��B�#�r��R. Proposed standard international acupuncture nomenclature 3.1 Structure of the proposed nomenclature 3.2 The 14 main meridians 3.3 The 361 classical acupuncture points 3.4 The 8 extra meridians 3.5 The 48 extra points 3.6 Scalp acupuncture lines 4. Adobe PDF Library 15.0; modified using iText 4.2.0 by 1T3XT x�͹!Eឧ���Q�ҵ��Kd��%��Cs�S}w��o�ұ ;�i��|��ddȯ��,���U�M�_K��l�!�j��z endobj x�S�*�*T0T0 BC#=#K=S#��\��LC�|�@�J!J� kD7 endstream endstream /F7 24 0 R When an acupuncture point is blocked it may cause various health problems so that points … x�+� � | v�e��>\�] ���>g� ���;��!�M��ɚ4#�d_i���� ߴ��i�ء+Wi�*s\xKk$3�+3�ߧ�a 6 �Uf����a�t�7�k����o������6}}S�={���_��Cq�n{����ׯ��`���������Q3� <>stream 36 0 obj x�+� � | Acupuncture Meridian Theory And Acupuncture Points. x�S�*�*T0T0 BC#=#K=S#��\��L�|�@|*,! acupuncture handbook point locations Nov 20, 2020 Posted By Richard Scarry Media Publishing TEXT ID 73617979 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library dr seuss media text id 5369d3ac online pdf ebook epub library epub library treatment indications equipped with detailed this book introduces 361 acupuncture point 11 0 obj 39 0 obj /F3 12 0 R 12 0 obj endstream x�͹!Eឧ���Q�ҵ��Kd��%��Cs�S}w��o�ұ ;�i��|��ddȯ��,���U�M�_K��l�!�j��z endobj ��5p�"z�S�hoS��k�)n�†0��xI��U'/ ��5p�"z�S�hoS��k�)n�†0��xI��U'/ x��A endstream <>>>/BBox[0 0 597.68 842.13]/Length 124>>stream endobj endobj The Standard is applicable for teaching, research, clinical service, publication and academic exchanges involving acupuncture. <>stream endstream x�+� � | 2021-01-25T07:16:37-08:00 acupuncture handbook point locations Nov 12, 2020 Posted By Clive Cussler Media Publishing TEXT ID c36f2689 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library handbook point locations customer reviews customer reviews 42 out of 5 stars 42 out of 5 49 customer ratings 5 star 58 4 star 12 3 star 20 2 star 6 1 star 4 acupuncture H��W�n�H}�W��D��_� �侳 6�5��x��)��D"�������$;�V�$v���Uu�NUw�.�] endstream endstream 3 0 obj x�S�*�*T0T0 BC#=#K=S#��\��LC�|�@�JL!J� l? endobj x��A <>stream endobj Free delivery on qualified orders. 23 0 obj ��5p�"z�S�hoS��k�)n�†0��xI��U'/ endstream 34 0 obj << Fast Download speed and ads Free! /F4 15 0 R x�S�*�*T0T0 BC#=#K=S#��\��L�|�@|*! endobj x�+� � | endstream endobj It is an essential working textbook for all acupuncture students. endstream endobj This point is like a reservoir of vital energy, and is commonly used to transfer Qi from the Kidneys to the Heart via the Ke cycle. 10 0 obj endobj /Filter /FlateDecode 19 0 obj endstream /Length 12892 Download and Read online Acupuncture Meridian Theory And Acupuncture Points ebooks in PDF, epub, Tuebl Mobi, Kindle Book. x�͹!Eឧ���Q�ҵ��Kd��%��Cs�S}w��o�ұ ;�i��|��ddȯ��,���U�M�_K��l�!�j��z *� M�� *�`[pLp�$qe5�6�ŝ ���Lq�t�Fc�h�� ŽViU��ą�U!F�����qX�p5�cO1�Pb�T���@� 7��^6\Z�6x-�8��YAA�`-����# �{V��T���dۦu@P.�rWD���!�r� �Ú /a��sT��qr?60�p'��Ga���xk0��$�o0)�QS 361 Acupuncture Points. application/pdf The above 361 acupuncture points are those canonised by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in a series of meetings between 1982 & 1989 1.. <>>>/BBox[0 0 597.68 842.13]/Length 150>>stream endstream endobj <>>>/BBox[0 0 597.68 842.13]/Length 124>>stream �)�O�kH O���:�Kߜ�'��±� �y�S�l�]��o>�����9{9�S�랷��vv��]� 361 Standard and 48 Extra (1001 – 1048) Acupuncture points: Nr. endstream x�͹!Eឧ���Q�ҵ��Kd��%��Cs�S}w��o�ұ ;�i��|��ddȯ��,���U�M�_K��l�!�j��z 'WHO Standard Acupuncture Point Locations in the Western Pacific Region (WHO Standard) was released in 2008. endobj x�+� � | x��A If information was included from previous research, then it was referenced in the Tables section. x�S�*�*T0T0 BC#=#K=S#��\��LC3�|�@�J�!J� l�C /Parent 2 0 R 35 0 obj x�S�*�*T0T0 BC#=#K=S#��\��L#�|�@|*�! Aug 8, 2017 - 361 Acupuncture Points | AcuWiki Democratic Acupuncture x��A endstream x�+� � | Recommendations for further action by WHO in the field of acupuncture 3 0 obj Yin Yang Images Free … endobj endstream 6 0 obj The Tokyo meeting in 1984 approved the standard nomenclature of31 extra points and adopted brief explanations covering 361 classical acupuncture point names, the standard nomenclature of scalp acupuncture and the basic lines for locations of acupuncture points, endstream endstream The Standard is applicable for teaching, research, clinical service, publication, and academic exchanges involving acupuncture. <>>>/BBox[0 0 597.68 842.13]/Length 124>>stream

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